Artist Educators (2016) 

Shizu Saldamando

DESCRIPTION:  station art consisting of pole-mounted art panels of images of pencil drawings on wood with hand-cut Japanese washi (traditional Japanese paper) collages of local people, places, nurseries and plant life

The Japanese influence in Saldamando's art panels stems from her family history as well as the Japanese cultural heritage of the Palms neighborhood.  While in a Japanese internment camp during World War II, Saldamando's grandfather created wood sculptures
Artist's Statement“I am a third generation inhabitant and am familiar with the diverse communities, changing architecture and cultural history of the area. I hope to reflect the various people and places that make the area what it is today and encourage people to continue to reflect tomorrow.” 

selected panels

LOCATION:  station platform, Metro E Line, Palms Station, 10021 National Boulevard, Palms, Los Angeles, California, USA