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Los Angeles
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10,000 Year Trail (1990) by Jim Wilsterman and Machi Ushida
1902 Wright Brothers Glider (ca. 2009) by Wade Jackson
1909 Hermosa (2012) by Chris Coakley
2001 #2 (1974) by Jerry Rothman
229.5° ARC X 4 (2005) by Bernar Venet
317 Paces and 21 Stops (2009) by Renée Petropoulos
A Courting Prance (2004)
A Dawn in the West (2013) by Alfred Paredes
A Flight to History (2023) by Marconi Calindas-Cafege
A Florence Moment (2005) by Ricardo Duffy
A Healing Home (2014) by Dominique Moody
A Kind Touch (c. 2000) by David L. Spellerberg
A Mosaic of Peace and Justice (2022) by Shepard Fairey
A Passage Through Memory (2016) by Jose Antonio Aguirre
A Place for Everything and Everything in its Place (1993) by David Bunn
A Resurrection in Four Stanzas (2021) by April Banks
A Tranquil Moment (2002) by Jason Kopydlowski
A Tree Within (2007) by Guy Angelo Wilson
A Tribute to Industry (1994) by Horace Washington
A-Train (1996) by Bill Bell
About Place About Face (2009) by Rob Neilson
Above and Beyond (2002) by Guy Angelo Wilson
Accept Difference (2016, 2017) by Louie Tozser
Acoma Beautification (2022) by Ana Cervantes, Akailah Byrd
Adjoeman (2004; installed 2012) by Frank Stella
Aerial Plaza (2010) by Carl Cheng
Affleck sculpture (1975) by Rafe Affleck
After Market Wheel (1996) by Paul Tzanetopoulos
Agriculture in Indio and the Coachella Valley (2002) by Jim Fahnestock
Agua Caliente Women (1994) by Doug Hyde
Antonio Aguilar Statue (2012) by Dan Medina
Airplane Mural (date/artist unknown)
Airplane Parts (2003) by Nancy Rubins
Alchemy of the Human Spirit (1999) by Michael Zapponi
All Black Lives Matter (2020) by Luckie Alexander
All in a Day (2012) by Michael Massenburg
All Together Now (c. 2005) by Joseph Palumbo
Almost Invisible Boxes (2004) by Joshua Callaghan
Aloha (2018) by Jeff Gress
Along The Way (2005) by Shelley Iger Sivak
Amaryllis (2001) by Sharles
Americanization of California (1932) by Dean Cornwell
América Tropical (1932) by David Alfaro Sequeiros
Anacapa Pride (2010) by Mary Beth Hanrahan
Anchor for Malibu (2004; 2019) by Emanuel Hatzofe
And Here I Will Stay (2016) by Nzuji De Magalhaes
Angel of Rescue / Raoul Wallenberg (1988) by Franco Assetto
Angel Train (1995) by Patrick Mohr
Angels Beacon (1994) by John Okulick
Angelus (2017) by Robert Vargas
Anthony Quinn or The Pope of Broadway (1984) by Eloy Torrez
Aquarius (1969) by Jerome Kirk
Arbor (2018) by Sijia Chen
Arcadian Zephyr (2016) by Michael Davis
Arcturus (1973) by Dmitri Hadzi
Around About (2010) by Larry Kirkland
Art Wall (2012) by Michael Tauber
Artist Educators (2016) by Shizu Saldamando
Astride-Aside (2003) by Michael Stutz
Aurora (1987) by Susumu Shingu
Ayama (2003) by Jun Kaneko
Azul Healing Garden (2015) by Dan Corsen and Ahbe Landscape Architects
Azusa Horticultural Paradise (2016) by Lynn Goodpasture
Azusa Light & Water (2001) by di Giacomo
Baby Greens and Rarin' to Ride (2007) by Cammie Lundeen and George Lundeen
Back Home (2014) by Sol Mesz
Balance (2006) by Kathleen Caricof
Balboa Pavilion (2013) by Art Mortimer
Baldy View (2014) by Alba Honoré Cisneros
Ballerina Clown (1989) by Jonathan Borofsky
Arcadia Bandini de Baker Statue (1987) by Masahito Sanae
Basket Dancer (1987) by Glenna Maxey Goodacre
Beachball (2007) by Romero Britto
Beacon Overlook (2000) by Jody Pinto
Beatnik Alley (2019) by Timothy Robert Smith
Beethoven Statue (1932) by Arnold Foerster
Bell Communications... (1961) by Anthony B. Heinsbergen
Belltower (2014) by Mark Bradford
Karl Benjamin (2012) by David P. Flores
Benton sculpture (1985) by Fletcher Benton
Beverly Hills is Beautiful (2019) by Mr. Brainwash
Bicycle Garden (2016) by Liz Avalon
Big Red (1996) by Ed Benavente
Bighorn Fountain (2008) by Gwynn Murrill
Bill and Coo at MOCA's Nest (2019) by Larry Bell
Bird of Paradise (1989) by James Hubbell
Birds of Valencia (2008) by Douwe Blumberg
Birds (c. 2013) by Jeff Morse
Black Divide - Butte (1958) by Peter Voulkos
Blissful Interiors (2009) by Adobe LA
Blue Line Oasis (1996) by Lynn Aldrich
Blue Line Totems in Red (1994) by Roberto Salas
Blue Sculpture (1994) by Richard Gerrish
Bobble (2017) by Christian Moeller
Booker Taliaferro Washington Statue (1999) by M. Bernard Edmonds
Boom Boom Peal Step From Ocean Hill (2017) by Michael Stutz
Borrego Springs Mural (c. 1970) by Nancy N. Colbath
Bracero Monument (2019) by Dan Medina
Breaching Whale (2011) by Jon Seeman
Breaking Free II (1990) by Márton Váró
Breaking the Chains (1995) by Melvin Edwards
Breezy and Delightful (1994) by Paul Tsanetopoulos
Bridge of Culture (1997) by Stanley C. Wilson
Harry Bridges Memorial (2009) by Eugene Daub
Harry Bridges Statue (2018) by Eugene Daub
Building of the Missions (1932) by Dean Cornwell
Bulkhead (installed 2016) by Harold L. Pastorius
Burbank Family Tiara (2008) by W. Healy, East Los Streetscapers
Bus Home (2002) by Dennis Oppenheim
But When The Thaw Comes (2002) by Mark Venaglia
Butterflies (2019) by Kira Green
Butterfly Cluster (2005) by Anita Margrill
Caballeros Gate (2003) by Paul Hobson
Cabrillo's Discovery of California (1932) by Dean Cornwell
Cadillactus (2024) by Roger Reutimann
California Coyote (2017) by John Mahoney
California Landscape (1937) by Milford Zornes
California Street Bridge Project (2019) by Michael Davis
Cancer…There’s Hope (2002) by Victor Salmones
Cantamar (2004) by Woods Davey
Canto 79 (1979) by Joseph L. Young
Canyon Chess and Checkers (1981) by Marlo Bartels
Canyon Preserve (2006) by Michele Taylor
Canyon Spirits (2000) by Ralph Tarzian
Canyon Walkers (2018) by Brittany Ryan
Carlos III Statue (1976, 1987) by Federico Coullaut-Valera
Carlsbad Golfers (2007) by T. J. Dixon and James Nelson
Ben Carlson Statue (2016) by Jake Janz
Catching Hope (2015) by Alison Petty Ragguette
Celestial Chance (1995) by Sally Weber
Celluloid (1959) by Merrell Gage
Centennial Bench (2004)
Center Obelisk (1986) by Joan Brown
Cerritos Air Disaster Memorial sculpture (2006) by Kathleen Caricof
Cerritos Veterans Memorial sculpture 2006) by James T. Russell
Cesar E. Chavez Memorial (2013) by Ignacio Gomez
Chain Reaction (1991) by Paul Conrad
Chandeliers or Natural, Technological, Ethereal (1993) by Therman Statom
Chicano Gothic (1987) by Emigdio Vasquez and Sidney Stone
Chicano Mural (1970, 2019) by Manuel Hernandez-Trujillo
Chicano Park Murals (1973 and ongoing) by various artists
Children in Flight (1995) by Tom Farrange
Children of Garden Grove (ca. 2006)
Children's Mural (1978) by Daniel Alonzo
China Alley Memorial (2004) by Qi Pang and Songyun Guo
Chinatown Mosaics (c. 1968)
Christopher Columbus (1973) by Francesco Perotti
Citrus Grove (1989) by Jeff Owens
Citrus Traditions (1997) by Frank Matranga
City Above (1991) by Terry Schoonhoven
City of Dreams (1996) by Richard Wyatt
Civic Clock Tower (1971)
Civility (2024) by K. Jessup, C. Cooning
Claremont Village Mural (2000) by Art Mortimer
Coastal Helix (2014) by Roger White Stoller
Coastal Rail Trail Benches (2004) by Alber de Matteis
Coastal Rail Trail Marker (2004) by Alber de Matteis
Cobalt Basin and Range (2002) by Laddie John Dill
Cognizance (1985) by Bill Bedford
Colors of the Canyon (2013) by Marsh Scott
Community (2024) by MIDABI
Companions (1995) by Mineko Grimmer
Composition in Stainless Steel and Bronze No. Eleven (1987) by Gidon Graetz
Compton: Past, Present and Future (1995) by Eva Cockcroft
Conductor and Ballerina (2009) by Hacob Jambazian
Conductor's Pocket Watch (1994) by Rod Baer
Cone (1995) by Cosimo Pizzuli
Connector (2006) by Richard Serra
Contemplation (2001) by T. J. Dixon
Convergence (2011) by Matt Dehaemers
Conversations With Michael (2015) by Giorgio Tuscani
Alonzo G. Cook Statue (2006)
Coronado Plaza Tower (2013) by CoSA Students
Cougar III (1996) by Gwynn Murrill
Cougar Intaglio (2008) by Gwynn Murrill
Cougar Park Mural (2015) by Art Mortimer
Cougars I and II (1991) by Gwynn Murrill
Counter/Balance (2006) by Michael Davis
Coyotl / Coyote (2022) by Larry Gonzalez Rivas
Cradle (2010) by Ball-Nogues Studio
Craftsman Village (2007) by Art Mortimer
Crenshaw Stories (1995) by Buzz Spector
Crossed Currents (1999) by Don Merkt
Crown Lair (1989) by Lloyd Hamrol
Curved Air 7 (c. 1980) by Alexander
Cyclist (date and artist unknown)
Dabah sculpture (1972) by Simi Dabah
D'Accord (2001) by Guy Dill
Daimaru XI (1978) by Michael Todd
Daimaru XII (1986) by Michael Todd
Dana Point (2018) by Aleena Malik
Dance Door (1978; installed 1982) by Robert Graham
Dance With the Midnight Moon (2005) by Kevin Robb
Dancing Gabrielenos (1997) by Janet Tuck and Geraldine Waldman
Dancing Lady (1977) by Margaret Inez Owings
Dawn to Dusk in the Estuary (2005) by Harrison and Cartozian
Declaration (2001) by Mark di Suvero
Deep Purple (1997) by Bret Price
Defend Dignity (2019) by Shepard Fairey
Defenders of the Union (1906) by Theodora Ruggles Kitson
Del Amo Wheel (1999) by Colin Gray
Derrick and Steel (1999) by Michael Davis
Desert Desert (1989) by Michael Anderson
Desert Star (1992) by Robert Perless
Desert Wildlife (1992) by Joe Fay
Desertscape by Vista Elementary School students
DETERMINATION LB (2020) by David Velasquez
Different Strokes (2009) by Paul Tsanetopoulos
Digital Divide (2009) by Dan Corson
Disk Fountain (1985) by Calvin Abe
Dissimilar Equals (1987) by Bill Bedford
Dissimilar Equals (circa 1987) by Bill Bedford
Diversity (2024) by Bernard Stanley Hoyes
Divine Order (1995) by Charles Dickson
Diving Porpoise (1962) by John Edward Svenson
Doggie Dog (2013) by Tsipi Mani
Dogs at Play (2015) by Karena Massengill
Dolphin Fountain (date unknown)
Dolphins (1997) by George Lundeen
Dominguez Field (2015) by Faustus Fernandez
Don't Forget Your Neighborhood (2024) by D. J. Javier
Dorothy (2018) by Levi Ponce
Dosan Ahn Chang-Ho Memorial (2001) by Community Design Group
Double Ascension (1973) by Herbert Bayer
Downey Doodle-icious (2014) by Don Lamkin
John Gately Downey Statue (2010) by Mark Rode
Downey Veterans Memorial (2012) by James T. Russell
Dragonfly (2004) by Kevin Robb
Dream Stream (2001) by Anne Marie Karlsen
Dreamer (1991) by David L. Phelps
Dreaming (2016) by John Mahoney
Drive-By Art (1992) by Lars Hawkes
Eagles (c.1999) by Gary Price
Amelia Earhart Statue (c. 1971) by Ernest Shelton
Early Pomona Family (1962) by Millard Sheets
Earth Upon Water (1998) by Jon Cicchetti, T.W. Weir, Craig Cree Stone
Ebony on Draper and Girard (2021) by June Edmonds
Echo Echo (1996) by Guy Dill
Ecliptic/Illume (1999) by Michael Davis
Edges and Ends (2000) by Christopher Mercier and Tom Farrange
Eggs (1969) by Harold L. Pastorius
Egremont II (1972) by Herbert Ferber
Einstein and Beyond (1998) by Gifford Myers
El Deseo de Progresar (2004) by Ricardo Mendoza
El Gran Jardin (2020) by Ever Galvez
El Monte Legion Stadium Nocturne (2014) by Vincent Ramos
El Monte Station Murals (2014)
El Niño Perdido (2009) by Alexandro de la Loza
El Nuevo Fuego (1985) by East Los Streetscapers
El Proletariado de Aztlan (1979) by Emigdio Vasquez
El Quetzalcoatl de Xochicalco (2003) by Roberto L. Delgado
El Salvador Park (2023) by Marina Aguilera
El Sol / La Luna (1993) by Francisco Letelier
Electric Fountain (1931) by Robert Merrell Gage and Ralph Carlin Flewelling
Elements (1986) by Marlo Bartels
Elements (2019) by Michael Davis
Elsinore Grand Prix (2014) by Robin Golden
Embracing Peace (2007) by John Seward Johnson II
Emerald Rings (1992) by Harold L. Pastorius
Enagua (2015) by Ned Kahn
Encinitas Up Close (2020) by Encinitas professional and student artists
Endangered (1992) by Mark Stasz
Endangered Species (1990) by Emily Winters
Endless Miles (2018) by Rob Ley
Endless V (2012) by Jaume Plensa
Enduring Heroes (2017) by Christopher Slatoff
Engraved in Memory (2012) by Daniel Gonzalez
Entry Arches (1986) by R. M. Fischer
Envisioning the Future (2004) by Kevin Stewart-Magee
Ephemeral Views: A Visual Essay (2012) by Ronald J. Llanos
Equality (2024) by Scott Froschauer
Erratic (2007) by Roxy Paine
Escena Wind Wave (2012) by Steve Rieman
Espejos Abstractos (1987) by Guy Dill
Esprit (c. 1990) by Patty Fiedler
Eternal Smoke (1987) by John Jagger
Eternal Spring (2000) by James T. Russell
Eternal Sunset (2003) by John Barber
Euclid (2002) by Victor Hugo Zayas
Everyday People (2003) by Pat Ward Williams
Evidence Wall (1997) by Michael Davis
Excalibur (1976) by Beverly Pepper
Executive Action III (2005) by Ed Benavente
Exhibit A (1992) by Mary Chomenko
Extinción (2015) by DourONE
Eyes Open, Mind Open (2017) by Shepard Fairey
Faces of Elysian Valley (2017) by Freyja Bardell and Brian Howe
Facing the Sun (2018) by Lauren Evans and Margaret Lazzari
Failed Ideals (1995) by Jim Isermann
Falcon (2002) by Michael Maiden
Falling Water 3 7 & 5 by Jack Zajac
Fallen Officers Memorial (2011)
Family (2005) by Bruce Chaban
Family Tree by the Sea (c. 2007) by Carolyn Guerra
Felipe de Neve (1932) by Henry Lion
Fields of Light (2004) by Jacqueline Draeger
Fiesta at a Mission (circa 1928) by Albert Herter
Fiesta (2007) by Carol Gold
Film Strip U.S.A. (1981) by Natalie Krol
Fire Bird (1986) by Richard Lippold
Fire Break (2012) by Garin Baker
Fire Station 136 Series (2008) by Jason Greene
Fire Station 93 Series (2008) by Jason Greene
Firefighter Heritage (2016) by Betsy Schultz
Fireflies and Abby (1999) by Jane DeDecker
Fishing Industry Memorial (1999) by Henry Alvarez and others
Five Elements (2003) by Efrain Olivares
Flight (1978) by Aldo Casanova
Flight to Infinity (1991) by Judith Shea
Floating Dog and Flying Cat (2016) by Mark Lere
Flora and Fauna (2017) by Marlo Bartels
Flow (2005) by May Sun
Flowers and Flames (2008) by Christopher Lee
Flying M (1995) by Paul Wheeler
Flying Morrison (2013) by Jim Coke
Folded Square - Alphabet G (1980; 2018) by Fletcher Benton
Fontana Citrus (c. 2005) by ThemeScape Art Studios
Fontana Heritage (2005) by John Thongnoi, Enrique Vidal
Fontana Steel (c. 1985)
Fontana Veterans Memorial (c. 2020)
For The Conductor (2010) by John Neumann
For Your Intellectual Entertainment (1995) by Daniel Martinez
Forever Marilyn (2011, 2021) by Seward Johnson
Fork in the Road (2008) by Ken Marshall
Forward Motion (2004) by Gordon Huether
Fossil Fountain (1999) by MIchael Davis
Founders Monument (2013) by Eugene Daub
Founding of the Pueblo De Los Angeles (1932) by Dean Cornwell
Fountain of the Rain Forest (2000) by Sandy Scott
Fountainhead Rockscape (2003) by Tomas Lipps
Four Arches (1973) by Alexander Calder
Four Deities (dates/artists unknown)
Four Lines Oblique Gyratory - Square IV (1973) by George Rickey
Four-Square (Walk Through) (1966) by Barbara Hepworth
Freedom (2014) by Herb Alpert
Freedom (2009) by John Koehler
Friendship Knot (1972; 1981) by Shinkichi Tajiri
From a Different Perspective (2020) by Jane DeDecker
From Injustice to Redress (2006) by Eugene Daub and Louis Quaintance
From the Belgian Suite (1999) by Guy Dill
Frozen Music, Opus for Pasadena (2002) by Arthur Stern
Fugimahara (1983) by Roger Perry
Fusion Series #3 (1998) by Shannon Owen
Gandhi Statue (2012) by Jasu Shilpi
Mahatma Gandhi Memorial (2006) by Madan and Aruna Garge
Gateway Beacon (1989) by David Wilkins
Gateway Monument (2024) by Cliff Garten
Gateway to Los Angeles (2015) by Jenna Didier
Gateway to the San Gabriel Valley (2011) by Art Mortimer
Gear Head 1 (2010) by Kathleen Smith-Schooley
Gems (2017) by Marlo Bartels
Gems 2 (2017) by Marlo Bartels
Gene Autry Statue (2009) by DeL'Esprie
Geologica 42 (2003) by Michael C. McMillen
George Chaffey, Jr. (2018) by John Edward Svenson
Gestation III (1991) by Baile Oakes
ghandiG (2002) by Peter Shelton
Giant Binoculars (1991) by Claes Oldenburg, Coosje van Bruggen
Gift of the Valley (2017) by Tony Sheets
Gifts of a Lifetime (2003) by Harry Reese
Girl with Dog (1933) by Ruth Peabody
Glendora (2009) by Michael Hillman, Citrus College students
globe on pedestal (circa 2004)
Gold Line Bridge (2012) by Andrew Leicester
Good Friends - Nakayoshi (1984) by Eiichi Ishida
Gordon and Lily by Victor Salmones
Grace (2014) by Terry Thornsley
Grana (2022) by Nikkolas Smith and Odeith
Gray Whale and Calf (2019) by Wyland
Great Gathering Place (1992) by Jacqueline Dreager
Green Man With Red Birds (2006) by Julia Klemek
Greetings from Laguna (2007) by Sherry Bullard and Marsh Scott
Grizzly Bear (2017) by John Mahoney
Growing Home (2018) by Joe O'Connell
Grove (2007) by Lynn Basa
Guardian of Water (1939) by Donal Hord
Hail and Farewell [or untitled] (1995) by Richard Turner
Hammering Man (1988) by Jonathan Borofsky
Hand Holding a Bowl of Rice (2007) by April Greiman
Hands With Plane (2015) by Case Maclaim
Handstand (1986) by Milton Hebald
Handstand (2012) by Daniel Stern
Hard To Reach (2003) by Debbie Jane Elmer
Harlequinade (2005) by Wayne Healy
Harmic Arch (1989) by Guy Dill
Harmony (2012) by David Roy
Hawk Raising (2017) by John Mahoney
Health is Multi-Cultural (1997) by JoeSam
Heat Exchanger (1980) by Harold L. Pastorius
Helix (2005) by James Hill
Helms Coach Gone A Rye (2002) by Art Mortimer and Andrea Cohen Gehring
Heritage Springs Sculpture Garden (1999)
Hermosa Beach 9/11 Memorial Sculpture (2012)
Hermosa Beach City (2018) by Clinton Bopp
Hermosa Swimwear Evolves (2014) by Steve Shriver
Hermosa's Great Wave (2015) by John Van Hamersveld
Heroes (2018) by Keith Blum
Hide-n-Seek (1995) by JoeSam
High Flying (2009) by Jon Seeman
Highland Park Gateway (2003) by Teddy Sandoval, with Paul Polubinskas
Joe Hill - I.W.W. Monument (2017) by Eugene Daub
Historic Flowers of Carlsbad (2006) by Kim Emerson
Historical Claremont (1990) by Merrilyn O'Neill
History of Electricity In and Around Indio (2000) by Jim Fahnestock
History of the Date Industry (1998) by Chuck Caplinger
History of the Pico Neighborhood (1983) by Ann Elizabeth Thiermann
History of Water in the Coachella Valley (2003) by Don Gray
Hollywood and La Brea Gateway (1993) by Catherine Hardwicke
Hollywood Jazz 1945-1972 (1991, 2011) by Richard Wyatt, Jr.
Homage to a Starry Knight (1990) by Rip Cronk
Homage to Cabrillo: Venetian Quadrant (1985) by Eugene Sturman
Homage to Ballona Creek (1994) by Lucy Blake-Elahi
Homage to Quetzalcoatl (1992) by Dora De Larios
Home (1992) by Charles Arnoldi
Homeward Monarch (2020) by Joe Norman
Hope, Dream (1993) by Sandra Rowe
Horizon (2010) by Blake Rankin
Horse and Tree (c. 1962) by Millard Sheets
Huberth Tree (2001) by Gülhis Celâyir-Monezis
Hula Kahiko (2000) by Lark Grey Dimond-Cates
Hunter and Hounds (1925) by Henri Alfred Marie Jacquermat
Hymn of Life: Tulips (2007) by Yayoi Kusama
Idaho Gate (1912)
I Dreamed I Could Fly (1993) by Jonathan Borofsky
I Have a Dream (1999) by Lisa Reinertson
Iglecia de Pensamiento (1978) by Dan Clapp and others
Illuminated Fig Leaves (2002) by Kim Abeles
Illumination (2007) by Brad Goldberg
Illuminations (1993) by Ann Preston
Illuminations (2006) by Terry Braunstein
IMAG_NE (2019) by Emma Ann
Image Emergence: Promenade of Clouds (2011) by Craig Cree Stone
Imaginations (2023) by Joseph Giri
Imbue (2020) by Alison Saar
In Central Park (1999) by Jerry Rothman
In the Eye of the Beholder (2001) by Anne Marie Karlsen
In The Living Rock (2004) by Samm Kunce
In The Meadow (2014) by Phung Huynh
Indeterminate Line (1987) by Bernar Venet
Indians and Yuccas (1968) by Millard Sheets
Inertia (2019) by Miguel A. Del Real
Infinite Dance (2020) by Carol Gold
Infinity (2014) by Cliff Garten
Innate (1985) by Bill Bedford
Inner Dance (2002) by Mark Leichliter
Inspired by John Raimondi's "Ceres" (c. 2013)
Inspired by John Raimondi's "Dian" (c. 2013)
Intercept (2005) by James T. Russell
Interface (1984) by Bill Bedford
Interface (c. 1984) by Bill Bedford
Interlude (1993) by Peter Busby
Intersect (2013) by Matt Devine
Interiorum Pulchritudinem (2018) by John Gilbert Luebtow
Intermittent Constancy (2015) by Paul Chilkov
IO (2015) by Carol Bove
Iron Root (2015; 2021) by Ai Weiwei
Isabelle (2018) by Julian Voss Andreae
It Takes All Kinds (2006) by IMO
It's Your Fault (2001) by Leah Vasquez
Jacob's Ladder (1985-1986) by Jasper D'Ambrosi
Jean De Fiennes, Vetu (1884-95) by Auguste Rodin
Jeanne d'Arc (1895, 1964) by Adolphe Roberton
Jessica (1987) by Dee Toscano
Jet Delivery Airplane (circa 2008) by Dan Romero
Jonah and the Whale (1918; inst'd. 1985) by Carl Milles
Jose Gaspar De Portola (circa 1929) by Albert Herter
Joy of Music (1996) by George Lundeen
Juan Bautista De Anza (circa 1929) by Albert Herter
Jungle Red (2007) by Delos Van Earl
Duke Paoa Kahanamoku (1990) by Jan Gordon Fisher
Kaikoo IV and XVI (1987) by Betty Gold
Kaleidoscope (2020) by Kim West/SPM Design
Kaloseidos (2003) by Ralph Bacerra
Keep It Clean For The Next (2011) by Sandra Jones Campbell
Keep It Clean, Malibu (2014) by Lindsay Carron
Keeping Watch (2012) by Steve Farley
John F. Kennedy Memorial (1964) by Michele Paszyn
Kinetic Energy (2003) by Ries Niemi
Kioku (2003) by Jun Kaneko
Kneeling Man With Hammer (1992) by Viola Frey
Korean Friendship Bell (1976)
Kosmic Krylon Garage (2004) by Kenny Scharf
Prince Jonah Kuhio Kalaniana 'ole (2001) by Sean Browne
L'Entreinte (1980) by Jean Wolff
L.A. Family Baroque (1992) by Bill Barrett
L.A. Freeway Kids (1984) by Glenna Boltuch Avila
L.A. Sonata (2013) by Judithe Hernandez
La Ballona (1995) by May Sun
La Brea (2011) by Shepard Fairey
La Caresse d'un Oiseau (1967) by Joan Miró
La Gente del Pueblo (2003) by Roberto L. Delgado
La Magia de Colleta (2023) by Marisabel Bazan
LA Metro Loteria (2012) by Jose Lozano
LA: City of Angels (1993) by Cynthia Carlson
Lady America (2008)
Lady Liberty (1973) by David Wilkens
Lady of the Lake (1934-35) by Ada May Sharpless
Laguna Coast (1987) by Wyland
Laguna Coastline (2004) by Mia Tavonatti
Laguna Tortoise (2003) by Michele Taylor
Landings (2009) by Nobuho Nagasawa
Lanterns (1999) by Michael Davis
Eiler Larsen (The Laguna Greeter) (1986) by Guy Angelo Wilson
Last Call (2014) by Allison Renshaw
LAX Gateway Pylons (2000) by Paul Tsanetopoulos
Leaping Lynx (2017) by John Mahoney
Bruce Lee Statue (2013)
Legacy of Literature (2001) by Rosalind Cook
Levitated Mass (2012) by Michael Heizer
Library Wall (1967) by Sergio O'Cadiz Moctezuma
Library Steps (1989) by Lawrence Halprin
Life Force (2005) by Dora De Larios
Life in the Desert (2013) by S.C.R.A.P.
Life in the Foothills (2014) by Miriam Balcazar
Life is Beautiful (2019) by Mr. Brainwash
Lifeguards in Hermosa (2017) by Joanna Garel
Light at the End of the Tunnel (2022) by Tory DiPietro
Light Gate (2015) by Mags Harries and Lajos Héder
Light of Learning (1926) by Lee Lawrie
Light Overhead (2001) by Sheila Klein
Light Trap (2005) by Laddie John Dill
Light Wave (2002) by Laddie John Dill
Lighthouse (circa 2012)
Lillith (2004) by Rosalind Cool
Lincoln (2005) by Mark Lundeen
Lincoln in Meditation (1962) by Henry van Wolf
Literary Figures (2011) by Art Mortimer and local students
Little People's Park mural (2023) by Damin Lujan
Little Treasures (2012) by Scott and Naomi Schoenherr
Local Color (2016) by Constance Mallinson
Local Gradient (2014) by Phillip K. Smith, III
Local Odysseys (1994) by Terry Braunstein
Location [untitled] (1995) by Rene Petropoulos
Locus: City Imprints (1995) by Steve Appleton
Long Beach Embrace (2023) by Myisha Arellano
Los Angeles Holocaust Monument (1992) by Joseph L. Young
Los Angeles Opens Its Heart of Compassion (2014) by Cliff Garten
Los Angeles Teachers (c. 1997) by Juan Hector Ponce
Los Molinos or Los Molinos Business District (2011) by Andi G
Love Anatomy (2021) by Alexandra Nechita
Love Letters (2020) by Maru Palmersheim
Lucy and Desi (2000) by Francois Bardol
Luminaire (2002) by Denny Haskew
Luminaries of Pantheism (2015) by Levi Ponce
Lewis MacAdams Monument (2017) by Eugene Daub
MacArthur Park, Urban Oasis (2010) by Sonia Romero
Madison Mansion (2002)by LInda Pollack,Claudia Reisenberger,Christina Ulke
Madonna of the Trail (circa 1929) by August Leimbach
Magic Carpet Ride or The Cardiff Kook (2007) by Matthew Antichevich
Making Lemonade (2006) by Nancy Mooslin
Makua and Kila (2001) by Holly Young
Malevich's Pick-Up Sticks (2006) by Peter Shire
Malibu Sweet 16 (2007)
Mama Watts (circa 1965) by Bill Watts
Mandril de Rosa (c. 2000) by Marsh Scott
Maravilla Hearts of Token (2009) by Jose Lopez
Mariposa De Barrio (2015) by Sergio Ramirez
Marmalade Dragonflies (2009) by Benbow Bullock
Matriculated Nature (2007) by Tom Otterness
Bill and Bob Meistrell Memorial (2014) by Chris Barela
Memorial Benches (2023) by Marlo Bartels
Memorial Flagpole (1927) by Lee Lawrie and Bertram Goodhue
Memorial Fountain (1962) by James Fickes
Memorial Park Mural (2011) by Roberto Del Hoyo
Memories of the Past, ... (1978) by Emigdio Vasquez
Mer-man (circa 1962) by Betty Davenport Ford
Messenger of the Puul (1991) by Curt Mattson
Metlox Dog (2004) by Tolkin and Associates
Mia Chan IV (2007) by Michael Todd
Mi Casa Es Su Casa (1971/2013) by Millard Sheets
Mikoshi (2007) by Jeffery Laudenslager
Frank Augustus Miller Statue (1999) by Richard Myer
Mind, Body and Spirit (1986) by Gidon Graetz
Mine (Corona Del Mar clock tower) (2005) by Andrew Michael Phillips
Miner (1925) by Henry Lion
Mirage (2008) by Ted Shaal
Mission to Masterpiece (2009) by Betsy Schulz
Mobius Bench II (2003) by Vito Acconci
Modern Screen (2007) by Erika Rothenberg
Modified Box (1985) by Harold Pastorius
Mojo (2008) by Christian Moeller
Molecule Man (1981) by Jonathan Borofsky
Molecule Man (1983) by Jonathan Borofsky
Monument to Balzac (1897) by Auguste Rodin
Monument to Sharing (2017) by Fallen Fruit
Moon Bench (2016) by Andrea Benitez
Moorpark Orchard (2024) by Eric Powell
Morning Mist (2014) by Wendy Jann
Morning Shot (1991) by Rip Cronk
Mosaics & Fountains (circa 2002)
Mother and Child (1984) by Harold L. Pastorius
Mother and Child (2001) by Lisa Reinertson
Mother Earth and Father Sky (1996) by Alber de Matteis
Mountain Scene (2008) by Dan Van Clapp and Perales
Moving Pictures (2001) by Wick Alexander and Robin Brailsford
Moving Towards The Future (2012) by David Ocelotl Garcia
Multi-Verse (2008) by Kipp Kobayashi
Multiplicity/Various Ways of Seeing (1992) by Anne Marie Karlsen
Murano (2009) by Peter Shire
Muse Dancers by Bruce Thomas
Music (1993) by Leonardo Nierman
Music of the Spheres (1994) by Nancy Mooslin
My Heart is in Your Hands (2020) by Jane DeDecker
National Humane Alliance Fountain (1905)
Native (2016) by Brian McCutcheon
Nature Redone (2018) by Eric Garcia
Naughtical But Nice (2003) by Peter Shire
Navis (1990) by Michael Davis
Neighborhood Portrait: Reconstructed (2012) by Jessica Polzin McCoy
Neighborhood Treasure: Allen Allensworth (2018) by Ron Husband
Neighborhood Treasure: Almera Romney (2022) by Donna Hargett
Neighborhood Treasure: Bettie Mae Scott (2018) by Gary Lett
Neighborhood Treasure: Kate Wright (2018) by Dawn M. Mendelson
Neighborhood Treasure: Leroy "Buster" Criss by Donna Hargett
Neons for Pershing Square (1993) by Stephan Antonakos
New Home (2015) by Sam Falls
Florence Nightingale (1937) by David P. Edstrom
Night Sail (1985) by Louise Nevelson
Night Shift (1981) by Jim Huntington
Night Watch (2017) by John Mahoney
Ninomiya Kinjiro Sontoku Statue (1983) by Jurichiro Hannyo
NoHo Gateway (2009) by Peter Shire
North, East, South, West (1981) by Michael Heizer
North Wave and South Wave (2003) by Larry Gill
Nothing Exists (2015) by Cyrcle
Nuestra Reina de Los Angeles (1934-35) by Ada May Sharpless
Oasis (1999) by Michael Amescua
Oasis (2015) by Douglas Hollis and Anna Valentina Murch
Oblique (2001) by Albert Paley
Occurrence (2003) by Michael Davis
Ocean (2018) by Rachel Rodi
Ocean Dancer (1998) by Lyle London
Ocean Song (2004) by Alber De Matteis
Ocean Steps (2011) by Debbie Collette and Patti Linnett
Oceanlife, Sun and Waves (2002) by Kim Emerson
Oceans of Time (1994; 2001) by Eric Orr
Oculus Sol (2012) by Buster Simpson
Of Two Lineages (2017) by James Dinh
Oil Drill (1983) by John Jagger
Oil, Life, Ecology (1990) by Eva Cockcroft
Oil - The Evolution (2017) by Marlo Bartels
Oiseau (1981) by Joan Miró
Old Meets New (2020) by Heath Satow
Old San Juan (2021) by Randy Morgan
Olympiade '84 (1986) by Milton Hebald
On a Roll (2020) by Jack Hill
On Saturdays (2012) by Robbert Flick
ONE LOVE (2020) by Scott Froschauer
One More Time (2019) by Giuseppe Palombo
One Sphere Five Arcs (2005) by William Wareham
One Voice (2009) by Phillip K. Smith, III
Oneness (1966) by Eino Romppanen
Ontario Town Square Mural (2014) by Andrea Benitez
Oomo Cube (2014) by Nicole Maloney
Open Door Policy (2020) by Andi Goud
Opus Notem Galateæ Unum (1991) by Judith Shea
Orange, California (date unk.) by Loriann Hiroshi and others
Orange County Peace Officers Memorial (2013) by E. Daub, T. Van Sant
Orange Grove (1999) by Meg Cranston
Orange in Motion (2009) by Marsh Scott
Origins (2017) by Debra Scacco
Orit Haj (2013) by Jenna Didier and Oliver Hess
Orr sculpture (1991) by Eric Orr
General Harrison Gray Otis (1920) by Paul Troubetzkoy
Our Best (1998) by Francois Bardol
Our Lady of DTLA (2013) by Robert Vargas
Our Legacy: Forever Presente... (2004) by José Antonio Aguirre
Our Mighty Contribution (2001-2002) by RTN Crew
Outburst (2021) by Lynn Basa
Out of Sight (2006) by Franka Diehnelt and Claudia Reisenberger
Overcoat (2009) by Merge Conceptual Design
Pablo at the Beach (2013; installed 2015) by Guy Dill
Pacific Spirit (2002) by James T. Hubbell
Paleontological 1 (2017) by Marlo Bartels
Paleontological 2 (2017) by Marlo Bartels
Panoramas (2016) by Abel Alejandre
Panoramic (1995) by Barbara McCarren
Parallel Dance (2003) by Cheryl Ekstrom
Parallel History I (2005) by Charles Fine
Paralllel Perpendicular (2022) by Phillip K. Smith III
Paramount Heart (2024) by Halliburton, others
Parrots in Flight (2023) by Mike Tauber
Pasadena Egrets (circa 1974) by David Wynne
Pasadena Panorama (2001) by Margaret Nielsen
Pasadena Robinson Memorial (1997)
Passersby (2005) by MERGE
Pat Nixon Statue (1997) by Ivan Schwartz
Pathways to Freedom (2002) by Michael Massenburg and Robin Strayhorn
Paul Revere Statue (2002) by Dee Clements
Peace and Love (2019) by Ringo Starr
Peace Flora (2003) by Trace tres Fukuhara
Peace Memorial (1991) by Márton Váró
Peace Monument of Glendale (2013)
Peace on Earth (1969) by Jacques Lipchitz
Pearl of the Pacific (1998) by James T. Hubbel, et al.
Pelican Brown (2005) by T. J. Dixon and James Nelson
Perfect Union (2011) by Jeff Laing
Perpetual Motion (c. 1996) by Bruce Stillman
Photo Collages (2005) by Anna O'Cain and Richard Keeley
Pieces Together (2014) by Lawrence Argent
Pier Ave. 1924 or Beautiful Hermosa Beach (2011) by Art Mortimer
Pierre De Wissant, Nude (1884-95) by Auguste Rodin
Pierre De Wissant, Vetu (1884-95) by Auguste Rodin
Pillars of Palm Springs (2024) by multiple artists
Pioneer Road Park Mural (2022) by Tom Clark
Pioneers Monument 1934
Pioneers of Monrovia (2019) by Maryrose Mendoza
Pioneros de la Rivera de San Gabriel (2016) by Robin Brailsford
Pirate's Cove (2015) by Art Mortimer
Pivot (1998) by Paul Tsanetopoulos
Playground (2003) by Tony Smith
Pleasures Along the Beach (1970, 2024) by Millard Sheets
Pomona (1957) by Jean and Arthur Ames
Pond Life (1999) by JoeSam.
Port Police (2013) by Eugene Daub
Portals (1999) by Marsh Scott
Portrait Heads (2012) by Michael Stutz
Portrait of Abbot Kinney (2004) by Rip Cronk
Portrait Of My People #619 (1995) by Willie Middlebrook
Portraits (officially untitled) (2003) by Tony Gleaton
Postcards From Ballona (1997) by F. Bardol, L. Blake-Elahi, L. Escalera
Pre-Natal Memories (1976-1980) by Mark di Suvero
Pride of La Verne (2003) by Kevin Stewart-Magee
Pride of the Foothills (2012) by Michael Hillman, Citrus College students
Primordial Reflections (1996) by Albert Paley
Production of Oil (2017) by Marlo Bartels
Prometheus Bringing Fire to Earth (1935) by Nina Saemundsson
Prosperity (2008) by Dave Chapple
Proud Puma (2017) by John Mahoney
Psychic Body Grotto (2017) by Anna Sew Hoy
Psychogeographies (2015) by Dustin Yellin
Pua'I wai (1994) by Billy Al Bengston
Puck (c. 2003) by Elizabeth MacQueen
Puff of Wind (2016) by Asher Kelman
Puka o ka moku (1994) by Billy Al Bengston
Punk and Skate in Hermosa (2018) by Daniel Inez
Pyramid (1996) by John Outterbridge
Quetzalcoatl (1968)
Quotation Courtyard (1995) by Barbara McCarren
Raccoon Family (2004) by Betty Davenport Ford
Rainbow Neon Dog (2024) by Wilson Ong
Rainmaker (2001) by David Curt Morris
Raising the Flag at Monterey (circa 1928) by Albert Herter
Ram (1977) by Charles O. Perry
Raptor Intaglio (2008) by Gwynn Murrill
Raymond Starburst (2003) by Marlo Bartels
Reach For The Sun (2000) by Gary Soszynski
Read, Reach and Realize (2002) by Wayne Healy, East Los Streetscapers
real green (1995) by Kim Yasuda
Rebirth (2013) by Nicole L. Ponsler
Rebuilding of the Palomares Adobe (1941) by Frank Stauffacher
Reclining Figure (1981; inst'd. 1984) by Henry Moore
Reclining Figure II (1967; installed 2016) by Edoardo Villa
Recreations of Long Beach (1936) by Stanton Macdonald-Wright
Red Car Man (2014) by Daniel Stern
Red Car Woman (2014) by Daniel Stern
Red Dragon (2024) by Delos Van Earl
Red Echo (2010) by Konstantin Demopoulos
Redily Apparent (2016) by Bret Price
Red Roses (2016)
Redlands Bank Murals (2001-05) by Larry Dierdorff
Redlands Heritage (1980) by Millard Sheets
Redondo Beach Sweethearts (2015) by Amos Robinson
Redux (2014) by Jim Mitchell
Re-Imagine Garden Grove (2014) by Todd Marinovich
RELAX UR OK (2020) by Scott Froschauer
Relief Ship at San Diego (circa 1928) by Albert Herter
Reminiscence (2016) by Remed
Rendezvous (2008) by Tuan
Resting Raccoon (2017) by John Mahoney
Rev. King, Jr. and Dr. Drew (1998) by Tina Allen
Reverence for an Era (2005-2006) by Kerry Zarders
Rider's Dream (2003) by Michael Amescua
Right Above The Right-of-Way (2016) by Susan Lorgoreci
Rio (1990) by Michael Weinstein
Ripple Effect (2022) by Timothy Robert Smith
Rising Cranes #24 (2022) by Keven Box
River (2001) by Guy Angelo Wilson
River Gate (circa 2017) by Michael Amescua
River of History (1996) by May Sun
River of Life (2000) by Robin Brailsford
River of Time (2016) by Cha-Rie Tang
Rivers of the World (1997)
Jose P. Rizal Monument (2012) by Abdulmari Imao
Rock Pile Carve (2000) by George Stone
Rockin' Angel (2009) by Peter Shire
Rocky and Bullwinkle (1961) by Bill Oberlin
Msgr. Oscar A. Romero (2013) by Joaquin Serrano
Ronald Reagan (2011) by Miriam Baker
Rondelle (2005) by Lyle London
Rose Abstraction III (2006) by Alber De Matteis
Rotunda Ceiling (1926) by Julian Garnsey
Route 66 America's Main Street (2012) [artist unlisted]
Route 66 (2013) by Phil Yeh
Route 66 (2014) by Brian Worley
Running for the Blue Line (1997) by Elliott Pinkney
Sage Owl (2017) by John Mahoney
Saint John the Baptist (1878-80) by Auguste Rodin
Salmon Run (1982) by Christopher Keene
San Angelo Landscape (2015) by Mara Lonner
San Clemente Morn (2001) by Mary Angela McMenamin and community members
Santa Monica (1934) by Eugene H. Monrahan
Santa Monica Tears (2021) by Walter J. Hood
Santiago Park Mural (2011) by Roberto Del Hoyo
Scanga sculpture (2006) by Italo Scanga
Scenes From Ivanhoe (1926) by Julian Garnsey and A. W. Parsons
Scenes of the Old West (c. 1979) by Denis O'Connor, Susan Lautmann Hertel
Arnold Schwarzenegger (2013) by Jonas Never
Science, Arts, Places, Past (1999) by Antje Hammer
Sea Breeze (2015) by Sukhdev Dail
Sea Passage (2005) by James Hubbell
Seagrass (2011) by Barbara Grygutis
Searching Squirrels (2017) by John Mahoney
Second Line (2021) by Jamex and Einar de la Torre
Seed to Tree (2017) by Marlo Bartels
Seeds of Summer (2011) by Guy Angelo Wilson
Self-Preservation Revised by Ed Pogue
Semper Memento (2011) by Jorg Dubin
Sentry (1999) by John Okulick
Separated United Forms (2009) by David Schafer
Sequi (1985) by Nancy Graves
Serenade (2001) by Dee Clements
Serenity (2024) by Anne Faith Nicholls
Seth Thomas Clock (1966) by Seth Thomas Clock Company
Setting the Tables (2014) by Jeanine Centuori, Russell Rock
Shard Towers (2002) by Stanton Hunter
Short Stack (2005) by Bruce Chaban
Shoshone (1982) by Mark di Suvero
Sierra Leone (1983) by Woods Davy
Sign of the Time (1999) by Jack Sullivan
Simple Gifts (2001) by John Fisher
Singing Beach Chairs (1987) by Douglas Hollis
Siren Call of Filmland (2003) by Paul Hobson
Sister Cities Clock (2019) by Dan Romero and Dina Romero
Sisyphus (1985) by Alexander Liberman
Sitting Figure on a Short Bench (2000) by Magdalena Abakanowicz
sixbeastsandtwomonkeys (2009) by Peter Shelton
Skateboarder (1999) by Studio 2
Skate Waves (2024) by Andy Jenkins
Skyspace: Dividing the Light (2007) by James Turrell
Sliver (2010) by Christian Moeller
Solar Alignment (1992) by Ernest Shelton
Solar Shift (2006) by Roy Nicholson
Something Grows Every Season (2007) by Don Wakefield
Soulful Sunrise Melody (2016-2017) by Luis Sanchez
Sound and Sight (2002) by Raymond Persinger
Source Figure (1992) by Robert Graham
South Central Suite (1995) by East Los Streetscapers
Sower's Dream (2011) by Guy Angelo Wilson
Space Shuttle Challenger Memorial (1990) by Isao Hirai
Spanish American War Memorial, Seventh Regiment Monument (1900)
Spatio Virtuo Teatro (2006) by Jason Meadows
Spine (1993) by Jud Fine
Spiral of Life (1985) by Baile Oakes
Spire of Doves/Arbol de la Paz (2011)
Spires (2006) by Sylvia Tidwell
Spirit of Achievement (2008) by Lawrence Allan Noble
Spirit of American Youth (2008) by Donald Harcourt De Lue
Spirit of Freedom (1993) by Janet Tuck and Geraldine Waldman
Spirit of Peppertree Square (2015) by Maureen McProud Wheeler
Spirit of the Lima Bean (1980) by Isamu Noguchi
Spirit of the San Gabriel River (2016) by A. Myklebust, S. G. Sears
Spiritual Flight (1976) by Elijah David Herschler
Sports All Stars (2012) by Maureen Wheeler
Squeeze (2007) by John Clement
Stairwave (2023) by Mia Tavonatti
Starting Over (2014) by Harold Cohen
Statue of Freedom (2006) by Michael Maiden
Steel Workers (2003) by Jacquelyn Giuffre
Steps in the Sand (2001) by Marsh Scott
Stone Tree Inverted Post (2003) by Jud Fine
Story Circle (2012) by Jules Rochielle and Chad Clark
Streamline Bench (2012) by Larry Gill and Gavin Heath
Streets (2010) by Eric Powell
Chiune Sugihara Statue (2002) by Ramon G. Velazco
Suka: Place of the Bees (1995) by Meg Cranston
Suncatcher (2001) by Urban Arena
Sun Glitter (1932; inst'd. 1985) by Carl Milles
Sun Ribbon (1980) by Claire Falkenstein
Sun Yat-sen (c. 1961)
Sunburst by Bill Ware
Sundancer (2001) by Miles Addison Pepper
Sunday Drive (2016) by Mike Stilkey
Sundial Clock (1968) by Imre Kalinscak
Sunny Southern California (2007) by Neal and Dawn Von Flue
Sunrise Sunset (1980) by Jill Casty
Sunsets (2016) by Miriam Baker and Rhonda Jones
Super Natural Bloom (2023) by DABSMYLA
Support (1999) by Louis Longi
Surfer on a Wave (2003) by Robert Pashby
SWAY (2017) by Nick Petronzio
Swimmer Solstice (1998) by Robin Brailsford
Symphony Mural (2009) by Kevin Mitchell
Syncretic Manifestations (2009) by Paul Botello
Takeaway (2018/2019) by Tom Friedman
Talking Drums (2022) by Ingrid Calame
Telltales Wind Ensemble (2004) by Douglas Hollis
Temple City Past and Present (2015) by Art Mortimer and local students
Ten Soaring (2007) by Lyle London
Territorial Dispute (1995) by Chester Armstrong
The Art of Surf (2017) by Roark Gourley
The Bandstand (2015) by Carole Choucair Oueijan
The Benchmark for Excellence (2017) by Eugene Daub
The Big Wave: Gateway to Santa Monica (1989) by Tony Delap
The Blessing of the Animals (1978) by Leo Politi
The Brea Angel (2014) by Cheryl Ekstrom
The Bride and Groom (1972) by Kent Twitchell
The Brilliance of Community (2022) by L. Mack-Durini, D. Mendelson
The Building of a Mission (circa 1928) by Albert Herter
The Burghers of Calais (1884-95) by Auguste Rodin
The Claremont Stelae (2001) by East Los Streetscapers
The Cocoa Bear (2017) by John Mahoney
The Conversation (1987) by Alex McCrae
The Corazon (1983) by Erwin Binder
The Crown Jewel (1994) by Gifford Myers and Marlo Bartels
The Dalton Tile Murals (2008) by Bob Zoell
The Dinosaurs of Santa Monica (1989) by Claude and Francois LaLanne
The Doughboy (1924) by Humberto Pendretti
The Dream of Simultaneous Connections (1996) by Ned Smyth
The Drummer (1990) by Barry Flanagan
The Elements (2006) by Jane DeDecker
The Evolution of Los Angeles (1988-1989) by Tony Sheets
The Evolution of Printing (1988) by Tony Sheets
The Family (2000) by Gregory Hawthorne
The Far Off Summer (1989) by Carol Miller
The First Artists in Southern California (2003) by John Valadez
The First Experience (1984) by Erwin Binder
The Freedom Sculpture or Freedom: A Shared Dream (2017) by Cecil Balmond
The Garden Gate (2004) by Guy Angelo Wilson
The Girl in the Red Shoes (2009) by Munehiro Komeno
The Good People... (2023) by Man One/Alejandro Poli, Jr.
The Great Wall of Los Angeles (1977-1983) by Judith Baca and Others
The Green Flash (2002) by Malcolm Jones
The Guardians (1998) by Sheila Cavalluzzi
The Hats (2018) by Michael Davis and Eugene Daub
The Helmsman (1950) by Carl Romanelli
The Homecoming (1989) by Stanley Bleifeld
The Intimacy of Place (2012) by Christofer C. Dierdorff
The Journey (1999) by Gary Price
The Landing of Cabrillo at Catalina Island (circa 1928) by Albert Herter
The Law Givers (1960) by Albert Stewart
The Lion's Fountain (2004) by Douglas Olmstead Freeman
The Literate Fence (1993) by Ries Niemi
The Location (2016) by Daniel Stern
The Lone Sailor (1984) by Stanley Bleifeld
The Love That Binds (2016) by Jose Calderon and Roberto Delgado
The Maypole Tree (2008) by Fritzie Urquhart
The Moment (2016) by Dan Romero
The Motion of the Planet (1997) by Gifford Myers
The Movies: Fantasies and Spectacles (1993) by Joyce Kozloff
The Muralists (1995) by Terry Schoonhoven
The Museum of Space Information (1995) by Carl Cheng
The Oilfield Workers (1993) by Carlos Terres
The Pasadena Way (1990) by Robert Irwin, Douglas and Regula Campbell
The Path of Life (2003) by De L'Esprie
The People's Council (2006) by Linda Brunker
The Photo Shoot (1989) by Seward Johnson
The Pierside Mural (2023) by Shepard Fairey
The Raven (2017) by John Mahoney
The Riddle of the Sphinx (2001) by Richard Turner
The Savant Guard (2006) by Christina Ulke and Ashok Sukumaran
The Seven Centers (1993) by Renée Petropoulos
The Shopper (2004) by Andrew Myers
The Song She Sings (2017) by Kent Yoshimura
The Steps We Take (2014) by Eloy Torrez
The Stones of Life (1997)
The Stop (2010) by Walter Redondo
The Sunbathers (1983; 2016) by Leonard Glasser
The Swan (c. 1960) by Jack Zajac
The Thinker (1880) by Auguste Rodin
The Triumph of Civilization (1926) by Lee Lawrie
The Unconscious (2010) by Franz West
The Walking Man (1905) by Auguste Rodin
The Wall: Las Memorias (2004) by David Angelo, Robin Brailsford
The Waterman's Wall (2013) by Randy Morgan
The Whaling Wall (2019) by Wyland
The Wheels of Change (2003) by Chusien Chang
The Wonderland In All of Us (2001) by JoeSam.
The World Is Yours (2024) by Anthony "Toons One" Martin
The Written Word (1972) by Tom Van Sant
Thin Cube With Sphere (2009) by Dore Capitani
Third Reef (2009) by Marlo Bartels
Three Graces (1963; installed 1996) by Julie MacDonald
Three Graces (2006) by Peter Fink
Three Moons (1993) by John Okulick
Three Pylons (1989) by Harold Pastorious
Three Scenes from Shakespeare (1963) by Millard Sheets, Denis O'Connor
Three Sheets to the Wind (1998) by Andrea Cohen Gehring
Three (1975) by Charles Perry
Through the Looking Glass (2009) by Clement Hanami
Tide Pool Paddleboard (2013) by Larry Gill and Gavin Heath
Tides of Time (2007) by John Okulick
Tiger Swallowtail and Yerba Santa (2016) by Lt. Mustardseed
Tim (2013) by Michael King and Wade Koniakowsky
Tim Kelly Lifeguard Memorial (1965, 2000) by William Maloney, Chris Barela
Time and Presence (1993) by Robin Brailsford
Time Connected (2012) by Scott and Naomi Schoenherr
Time Piece (2012) by Donald Lipski
Timekeeper (2014) by Susan Narduli
Timeless Wave (2009) by Alber De Matteis and M. Luna-De Matteis
Timeline (2009) by Alber De Matteis
Todos Juntos (2016) by Siobham Burke and Rob Berry
Tomorrow's Present (2007) by Todd Frahm
Topiaries (2012) by Christie Beniston
Torso (2003) by Robert Graham
Tortilla Flats (2008) by MB Hanrahan and Moses Mora
To See Yourself in Nature (2023) by Matt Niebuhr and David Dahlquist
TOT (2021) by Richard Becker
Totem Pole (circa 1925)
Totems (1999) by Michael Amescua
To the Issei (1980, 1983) by Isamu Noguchi
Touch of Venice (2012) by Jonas Never
Tower on the Green (2002)
Tracery Rainbow (2008) by Peter Erskine, Kate Diamond
Tracinda Deer (1991) by Joe Fay
Tracinda Obelisk (1992) by Joe Fay
Tranquility Base Here - The Eagle Has Landed (1980) by J. E. Svenson
Transformative Illumination (2016) by Wenceslao Quiroz
Traveler (1993) by Terry Schoonhoven
Travellers (2011) by Michael Davis
Tree for Elijah (2009) by Italo Scanga
Tree of Life (1997) by Dora De Larios
Tree of Life (2002) by Michael Amescua
Tree Trimmer (2005) by Robert Tolone
Tree With Birds (1963) by Helen Richter Watson
Trench, Shafts, Pit, Tunnel, and Chambers (1982) by Bruce Nauman
Tribute to the Roughnecks (2006) by Cindy Jackson
Triforium (1975) by Joseph Young
Trio (2000) by Jorg Dubin
Trolley (date and artist unknown)
Tropical Sounds (2000) by Jun Kaneko
Truth or Fiction (1995) by Nobuho Nagasawa
Tsunami (2001) by Mark Leichliter
Tunaman's Memorial (1988) by Franco Vianello
Mark Twain Statue (2003) by Gary Price
Twelve Principles (1994) by Joe Lewis
Two Figures With Ring (1987) by John Frame
Two of Hearts (1997) by Tim Doyle
Two Open Rectangles (1977) by George Rickey
Two Sphinxes (1926) by Lee Lawrie
Two Urns (2009) by Anne Marie Karlsen
Ultimate Challenge (1976) by Edmond E. Shumpert
Ulysses (1988) by Alexander Libermann
Under the Sea (circa 1988)
Union Passage (1994) by Guy Angelo Wilson
Union Passage (1998) by Guy Angelo Wilson
Unity Monument (2002) by Patrick Vogel
Unity Under the Sun (2023) by Misteralek and Shozart
Universal Musicans (1995) by Eva Cockcroft
Unknowable Origins (2012) by Tom LaDuke
Untitled (unk.) by Leonard Cave
Untitled (For Jack) (1975) by Lee Whitten
Untitled III (2005) by Mark Lere
Upland Eagle (2020) by Rhyan Paul
Upland Pride (2003) by Art Mortimer
Upland Waiting Station (2008) by Art Mortimer
Uptown Rocker (1986) by Lloyd Hamrol
Uranus (circa 1980) by Alexander
Urban Dualities (2012) by Samuel Rodriguez
Urban Light (2008) by Chris Burden
USS San Diego Memorial (2005) by Eugene Daub and Louis T. Quaintance
Utsurohi 91 (1991) by Aiko Miyawaki
Vamos Juntos (2014) by Martin Durazo
Venice Beach Chorus Line (2004) by Rip Cronk
Venice Beach (1990) by Rip Cronk
Venice Kinesis (2010) by Rip Cronk
Venice Public Art Walls
Venice Skateboarding (2023) by Jonas Never and Gustavo Zermeno
Venice Torso (2007) by Robert Graham
Vermonica (1993, 2020) by Sheila Klein
Veterans Are Timeless (circa 1994) (artist unknown)
Vibrant Hills (2013) by Hannah Daly
Vida (2023) by Damin Lujan (Zaoone)
Villa-Parke Mural (c. 1992) by Betty Dore
Ysmael R. Villegas Memorial (1995) by Gary Coutrer
Vine (2001) by Michael Amescua
Volleyball in Hermosa (2016) by Bo Bridges
Voyager (2003) by Linda Brunker
Walk A Mile In My Shoes (2014) by Kim Ables
Walk On Words (2013-2017)
Walking Family #2 (date and artist unknown)
Walking Family (date and artist unknown)
"Walking Fingers" (2015) by Case Maclaim
Wall of (Un)Fame (1995) by Erika Rothenberg
"Wall Play" (2013) by Helle Scharling-Todd
"Wallace Fountain" (1872) by Charles-Auguste LeBourg
"Walter" (1991) by Edna Martinek Henry
Wanderers (2012) by Willie Middlebrook
"Wandering Mobius" (1993) by Daniel Miller
"Warriors United" (2013) by Cheryl Ekstrom
George Washington (1933) by Jean-Antoine Houdon
"Water Drop" (2017) by Marlo Bartels
"Water Henge: H20 = Life" (2009) by Kim Emerson
Water Street: River of Dreams (2003) by Cheri Gaulke
"Water Tank Mural" (2018) by John Van Hamersveld
"Water Tower" (2000) by John Okulick
Water Trails (2011) by Michael Amescua
Watts P-22 Wildlife Mural (2021) by Jonathan Martinez
Watts Towers or Nuestro Pueblo (1921-1954) by Sabato (Simon) Rodia
"Wave 1" (2009) by Doug Snider
"Wave 2" (2009) by Doug Snider
Wave Dance (2002) by Marsh Scott
Wave of Change (2019) by Kaori Fukuyama
"Waves" (2018) by Gordon Huether
John Wayne Statue (1984) by Harry Jackson
"We Know Who We Are" (1995) by June Edmonds
"We Too Were Once Strangers" (2015) by Richard Turner
"Weather Field No. 1" (2013) by Iñigo Manglano-Ovalle
Dewey Weber Statue (2015) by Phil Roberts
Welcome Home (2017) by Shepard Fairey
"Welcome to Long Beach" (2011) by John M. Valadez
"West Coast Jazz" or "Hermosa Jazz" (2012) by John Pugh
"Whale of a Mural" (1983) by Daniel Alonzo
"Whale Watch" (1994) by Terrie Bennett
"What Wall" (1998) by Eric Owen Moss
"What We Created" (2015) by Carole Choucair Oueijan
What You Wore, What You Wear (2016) by Carmen Argote
"Wheeler Park Mural" (2017) by Timothy Robert Smith
"Wheels" (2010) by Anne Marie Karlsen
When It Comes to Dreams and Visions (2002) by Mark Venaglia
"Who, What, Where?" (1994) by Mark Lere
"Whole Flow" (2009) by Buster Simpson
"Why We Immigrate" (1993) by Dagoberto Reyes
Wicker Parlor (1999) by Michael Davis
"Wind and Sea" (1970) by Frank Matranga
"Window With Ball" (1991) by John Outterbridge
Wings (2018) by Collette Miller
"Wisdom Given" (ca. 2012) by Alexander Bashta III
Wish (2014) by Heath Satow
"Women with Fruit and Grain" (date and artist unknown)
"Wonder" (2012) by PowerOfWordsProject
"Woodside Mural" (2014) by Jason Woodside
"Working Together" (2001) by Ken Sheffer
"Working Woodpeckers" (2017) by John Mahoney
World On Its Hind Legs (2009) by William Kentridge and Gerhard Marx
"World Stage Legacy" (2015) by David Flores
"Woven Walk" (2015) by Pae White
Yerba Santa (2022) by Heath Satow
You Are Not Forgotten (1992) by Peter Stewart
Emiliano Zapata Statue (circa 2013) by Arturo Ruano Singh
"Zodiac Chandelier" (circa 1926) by Lee Lawrie
Hispanic Heritage of Anthony Quinn as "The Pope of Broadway"
Hispanic Heritage of "Los Angeles Teachers"
Surfing Culture and Public Art
Kinetic Public Art: 20th & 21st Centuries
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Cities A - K
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Los Angeles
Cities N - R
Cities S - Z
10,000 Year Trail (1990) by Jim Wilsterman and Machi Ushida
1902 Wright Brothers Glider (ca. 2009) by Wade Jackson
1909 Hermosa (2012) by Chris Coakley
2001 #2 (1974) by Jerry Rothman
229.5° ARC X 4 (2005) by Bernar Venet
317 Paces and 21 Stops (2009) by Renée Petropoulos
A Courting Prance (2004)
A Dawn in the West (2013) by Alfred Paredes
A Flight to History (2023) by Marconi Calindas-Cafege
A Florence Moment (2005) by Ricardo Duffy
A Healing Home (2014) by Dominique Moody
A Kind Touch (c. 2000) by David L. Spellerberg
A Mosaic of Peace and Justice (2022) by Shepard Fairey
A Passage Through Memory (2016) by Jose Antonio Aguirre
A Place for Everything and Everything in its Place (1993) by David Bunn
A Resurrection in Four Stanzas (2021) by April Banks
A Tranquil Moment (2002) by Jason Kopydlowski
A Tree Within (2007) by Guy Angelo Wilson
A Tribute to Industry (1994) by Horace Washington
A-Train (1996) by Bill Bell
About Place About Face (2009) by Rob Neilson
Above and Beyond (2002) by Guy Angelo Wilson
Accept Difference (2016, 2017) by Louie Tozser
Acoma Beautification (2022) by Ana Cervantes, Akailah Byrd
Adjoeman (2004; installed 2012) by Frank Stella
Aerial Plaza (2010) by Carl Cheng
Affleck sculpture (1975) by Rafe Affleck
After Market Wheel (1996) by Paul Tzanetopoulos
Agriculture in Indio and the Coachella Valley (2002) by Jim Fahnestock
Agua Caliente Women (1994) by Doug Hyde
Antonio Aguilar Statue (2012) by Dan Medina
Airplane Mural (date/artist unknown)
Airplane Parts (2003) by Nancy Rubins
Alchemy of the Human Spirit (1999) by Michael Zapponi
All Black Lives Matter (2020) by Luckie Alexander
All in a Day (2012) by Michael Massenburg
All Together Now (c. 2005) by Joseph Palumbo
Almost Invisible Boxes (2004) by Joshua Callaghan
Aloha (2018) by Jeff Gress
Along The Way (2005) by Shelley Iger Sivak
Amaryllis (2001) by Sharles
Americanization of California (1932) by Dean Cornwell
América Tropical (1932) by David Alfaro Sequeiros
Anacapa Pride (2010) by Mary Beth Hanrahan
Anchor for Malibu (2004; 2019) by Emanuel Hatzofe
And Here I Will Stay (2016) by Nzuji De Magalhaes
Angel of Rescue / Raoul Wallenberg (1988) by Franco Assetto
Angel Train (1995) by Patrick Mohr
Angels Beacon (1994) by John Okulick
Angelus (2017) by Robert Vargas
Anthony Quinn or The Pope of Broadway (1984) by Eloy Torrez
Aquarius (1969) by Jerome Kirk
Arbor (2018) by Sijia Chen
Arcadian Zephyr (2016) by Michael Davis
Arcturus (1973) by Dmitri Hadzi
Around About (2010) by Larry Kirkland
Art Wall (2012) by Michael Tauber
Artist Educators (2016) by Shizu Saldamando
Astride-Aside (2003) by Michael Stutz
Aurora (1987) by Susumu Shingu
Ayama (2003) by Jun Kaneko
Azul Healing Garden (2015) by Dan Corsen and Ahbe Landscape Architects
Azusa Horticultural Paradise (2016) by Lynn Goodpasture
Azusa Light & Water (2001) by di Giacomo
Baby Greens and Rarin' to Ride (2007) by Cammie Lundeen and George Lundeen
Back Home (2014) by Sol Mesz
Balance (2006) by Kathleen Caricof
Balboa Pavilion (2013) by Art Mortimer
Baldy View (2014) by Alba Honoré Cisneros
Ballerina Clown (1989) by Jonathan Borofsky
Arcadia Bandini de Baker Statue (1987) by Masahito Sanae
Basket Dancer (1987) by Glenna Maxey Goodacre
Beachball (2007) by Romero Britto
Beacon Overlook (2000) by Jody Pinto
Beatnik Alley (2019) by Timothy Robert Smith
Beethoven Statue (1932) by Arnold Foerster
Bell Communications... (1961) by Anthony B. Heinsbergen
Belltower (2014) by Mark Bradford
Karl Benjamin (2012) by David P. Flores
Benton sculpture (1985) by Fletcher Benton
Beverly Hills is Beautiful (2019) by Mr. Brainwash
Bicycle Garden (2016) by Liz Avalon
Big Red (1996) by Ed Benavente
Bighorn Fountain (2008) by Gwynn Murrill
Bill and Coo at MOCA's Nest (2019) by Larry Bell
Bird of Paradise (1989) by James Hubbell
Birds of Valencia (2008) by Douwe Blumberg
Birds (c. 2013) by Jeff Morse
Black Divide - Butte (1958) by Peter Voulkos
Blissful Interiors (2009) by Adobe LA
Blue Line Oasis (1996) by Lynn Aldrich
Blue Line Totems in Red (1994) by Roberto Salas
Blue Sculpture (1994) by Richard Gerrish
Bobble (2017) by Christian Moeller
Booker Taliaferro Washington Statue (1999) by M. Bernard Edmonds
Boom Boom Peal Step From Ocean Hill (2017) by Michael Stutz
Borrego Springs Mural (c. 1970) by Nancy N. Colbath
Bracero Monument (2019) by Dan Medina
Breaching Whale (2011) by Jon Seeman
Breaking Free II (1990) by Márton Váró
Breaking the Chains (1995) by Melvin Edwards
Breezy and Delightful (1994) by Paul Tsanetopoulos
Bridge of Culture (1997) by Stanley C. Wilson
Harry Bridges Memorial (2009) by Eugene Daub
Harry Bridges Statue (2018) by Eugene Daub
Building of the Missions (1932) by Dean Cornwell
Bulkhead (installed 2016) by Harold L. Pastorius
Burbank Family Tiara (2008) by W. Healy, East Los Streetscapers
Bus Home (2002) by Dennis Oppenheim
But When The Thaw Comes (2002) by Mark Venaglia
Butterflies (2019) by Kira Green
Butterfly Cluster (2005) by Anita Margrill
Caballeros Gate (2003) by Paul Hobson
Cabrillo's Discovery of California (1932) by Dean Cornwell
Cadillactus (2024) by Roger Reutimann
California Coyote (2017) by John Mahoney
California Landscape (1937) by Milford Zornes
California Street Bridge Project (2019) by Michael Davis
Cancer…There’s Hope (2002) by Victor Salmones
Cantamar (2004) by Woods Davey
Canto 79 (1979) by Joseph L. Young
Canyon Chess and Checkers (1981) by Marlo Bartels
Canyon Preserve (2006) by Michele Taylor
Canyon Spirits (2000) by Ralph Tarzian
Canyon Walkers (2018) by Brittany Ryan
Carlos III Statue (1976, 1987) by Federico Coullaut-Valera
Carlsbad Golfers (2007) by T. J. Dixon and James Nelson
Ben Carlson Statue (2016) by Jake Janz
Catching Hope (2015) by Alison Petty Ragguette
Celestial Chance (1995) by Sally Weber
Celluloid (1959) by Merrell Gage
Centennial Bench (2004)
Center Obelisk (1986) by Joan Brown
Cerritos Air Disaster Memorial sculpture (2006) by Kathleen Caricof
Cerritos Veterans Memorial sculpture 2006) by James T. Russell
Cesar E. Chavez Memorial (2013) by Ignacio Gomez
Chain Reaction (1991) by Paul Conrad
Chandeliers or Natural, Technological, Ethereal (1993) by Therman Statom
Chicano Gothic (1987) by Emigdio Vasquez and Sidney Stone
Chicano Mural (1970, 2019) by Manuel Hernandez-Trujillo
Chicano Park Murals (1973 and ongoing) by various artists
Children in Flight (1995) by Tom Farrange
Children of Garden Grove (ca. 2006)
Children's Mural (1978) by Daniel Alonzo
China Alley Memorial (2004) by Qi Pang and Songyun Guo
Chinatown Mosaics (c. 1968)
Christopher Columbus (1973) by Francesco Perotti
Citrus Grove (1989) by Jeff Owens
Citrus Traditions (1997) by Frank Matranga
City Above (1991) by Terry Schoonhoven
City of Dreams (1996) by Richard Wyatt
Civic Clock Tower (1971)
Civility (2024) by K. Jessup, C. Cooning
Claremont Village Mural (2000) by Art Mortimer
Coastal Helix (2014) by Roger White Stoller
Coastal Rail Trail Benches (2004) by Alber de Matteis
Coastal Rail Trail Marker (2004) by Alber de Matteis
Cobalt Basin and Range (2002) by Laddie John Dill
Cognizance (1985) by Bill Bedford
Colors of the Canyon (2013) by Marsh Scott
Community (2024) by MIDABI
Companions (1995) by Mineko Grimmer
Composition in Stainless Steel and Bronze No. Eleven (1987) by Gidon Graetz
Compton: Past, Present and Future (1995) by Eva Cockcroft
Conductor and Ballerina (2009) by Hacob Jambazian
Conductor's Pocket Watch (1994) by Rod Baer
Cone (1995) by Cosimo Pizzuli
Connector (2006) by Richard Serra
Contemplation (2001) by T. J. Dixon
Convergence (2011) by Matt Dehaemers
Conversations With Michael (2015) by Giorgio Tuscani
Alonzo G. Cook Statue (2006)
Coronado Plaza Tower (2013) by CoSA Students
Cougar III (1996) by Gwynn Murrill
Cougar Intaglio (2008) by Gwynn Murrill
Cougar Park Mural (2015) by Art Mortimer
Cougars I and II (1991) by Gwynn Murrill
Counter/Balance (2006) by Michael Davis
Coyotl / Coyote (2022) by Larry Gonzalez Rivas
Cradle (2010) by Ball-Nogues Studio
Craftsman Village (2007) by Art Mortimer
Crenshaw Stories (1995) by Buzz Spector
Crossed Currents (1999) by Don Merkt
Crown Lair (1989) by Lloyd Hamrol
Curved Air 7 (c. 1980) by Alexander
Cyclist (date and artist unknown)
Dabah sculpture (1972) by Simi Dabah
D'Accord (2001) by Guy Dill
Daimaru XI (1978) by Michael Todd
Daimaru XII (1986) by Michael Todd
Dana Point (2018) by Aleena Malik
Dance Door (1978; installed 1982) by Robert Graham
Dance With the Midnight Moon (2005) by Kevin Robb
Dancing Gabrielenos (1997) by Janet Tuck and Geraldine Waldman
Dancing Lady (1977) by Margaret Inez Owings
Dawn to Dusk in the Estuary (2005) by Harrison and Cartozian
Declaration (2001) by Mark di Suvero
Deep Purple (1997) by Bret Price
Defend Dignity (2019) by Shepard Fairey
Defenders of the Union (1906) by Theodora Ruggles Kitson
Del Amo Wheel (1999) by Colin Gray
Derrick and Steel (1999) by Michael Davis
Desert Desert (1989) by Michael Anderson
Desert Star (1992) by Robert Perless
Desert Wildlife (1992) by Joe Fay
Desertscape by Vista Elementary School students
DETERMINATION LB (2020) by David Velasquez
Different Strokes (2009) by Paul Tsanetopoulos
Digital Divide (2009) by Dan Corson
Disk Fountain (1985) by Calvin Abe
Dissimilar Equals (1987) by Bill Bedford
Dissimilar Equals (circa 1987) by Bill Bedford
Diversity (2024) by Bernard Stanley Hoyes
Divine Order (1995) by Charles Dickson
Diving Porpoise (1962) by John Edward Svenson
Doggie Dog (2013) by Tsipi Mani
Dogs at Play (2015) by Karena Massengill
Dolphin Fountain (date unknown)
Dolphins (1997) by George Lundeen
Dominguez Field (2015) by Faustus Fernandez
Don't Forget Your Neighborhood (2024) by D. J. Javier
Dorothy (2018) by Levi Ponce
Dosan Ahn Chang-Ho Memorial (2001) by Community Design Group
Double Ascension (1973) by Herbert Bayer
Downey Doodle-icious (2014) by Don Lamkin
John Gately Downey Statue (2010) by Mark Rode
Downey Veterans Memorial (2012) by James T. Russell
Dragonfly (2004) by Kevin Robb
Dream Stream (2001) by Anne Marie Karlsen
Dreamer (1991) by David L. Phelps
Dreaming (2016) by John Mahoney
Drive-By Art (1992) by Lars Hawkes
Eagles (c.1999) by Gary Price
Amelia Earhart Statue (c. 1971) by Ernest Shelton
Early Pomona Family (1962) by Millard Sheets
Earth Upon Water (1998) by Jon Cicchetti, T.W. Weir, Craig Cree Stone
Ebony on Draper and Girard (2021) by June Edmonds
Echo Echo (1996) by Guy Dill
Ecliptic/Illume (1999) by Michael Davis
Edges and Ends (2000) by Christopher Mercier and Tom Farrange
Eggs (1969) by Harold L. Pastorius
Egremont II (1972) by Herbert Ferber
Einstein and Beyond (1998) by Gifford Myers
El Deseo de Progresar (2004) by Ricardo Mendoza
El Gran Jardin (2020) by Ever Galvez
El Monte Legion Stadium Nocturne (2014) by Vincent Ramos
El Monte Station Murals (2014)
El Niño Perdido (2009) by Alexandro de la Loza
El Nuevo Fuego (1985) by East Los Streetscapers
El Proletariado de Aztlan (1979) by Emigdio Vasquez
El Quetzalcoatl de Xochicalco (2003) by Roberto L. Delgado
El Salvador Park (2023) by Marina Aguilera
El Sol / La Luna (1993) by Francisco Letelier
Electric Fountain (1931) by Robert Merrell Gage and Ralph Carlin Flewelling
Elements (1986) by Marlo Bartels
Elements (2019) by Michael Davis
Elsinore Grand Prix (2014) by Robin Golden
Embracing Peace (2007) by John Seward Johnson II
Emerald Rings (1992) by Harold L. Pastorius
Enagua (2015) by Ned Kahn
Encinitas Up Close (2020) by Encinitas professional and student artists
Endangered (1992) by Mark Stasz
Endangered Species (1990) by Emily Winters
Endless Miles (2018) by Rob Ley
Endless V (2012) by Jaume Plensa
Enduring Heroes (2017) by Christopher Slatoff
Engraved in Memory (2012) by Daniel Gonzalez
Entry Arches (1986) by R. M. Fischer
Envisioning the Future (2004) by Kevin Stewart-Magee
Ephemeral Views: A Visual Essay (2012) by Ronald J. Llanos
Equality (2024) by Scott Froschauer
Erratic (2007) by Roxy Paine
Escena Wind Wave (2012) by Steve Rieman
Espejos Abstractos (1987) by Guy Dill
Esprit (c. 1990) by Patty Fiedler
Eternal Smoke (1987) by John Jagger
Eternal Spring (2000) by James T. Russell
Eternal Sunset (2003) by John Barber
Euclid (2002) by Victor Hugo Zayas
Everyday People (2003) by Pat Ward Williams
Evidence Wall (1997) by Michael Davis
Excalibur (1976) by Beverly Pepper
Executive Action III (2005) by Ed Benavente
Exhibit A (1992) by Mary Chomenko
Extinción (2015) by DourONE
Eyes Open, Mind Open (2017) by Shepard Fairey
Faces of Elysian Valley (2017) by Freyja Bardell and Brian Howe
Facing the Sun (2018) by Lauren Evans and Margaret Lazzari
Failed Ideals (1995) by Jim Isermann
Falcon (2002) by Michael Maiden
Falling Water 3 7 & 5 by Jack Zajac
Fallen Officers Memorial (2011)
Family (2005) by Bruce Chaban
Family Tree by the Sea (c. 2007) by Carolyn Guerra
Felipe de Neve (1932) by Henry Lion
Fields of Light (2004) by Jacqueline Draeger
Fiesta at a Mission (circa 1928) by Albert Herter
Fiesta (2007) by Carol Gold
Film Strip U.S.A. (1981) by Natalie Krol
Fire Bird (1986) by Richard Lippold
Fire Break (2012) by Garin Baker
Fire Station 136 Series (2008) by Jason Greene
Fire Station 93 Series (2008) by Jason Greene
Firefighter Heritage (2016) by Betsy Schultz
Fireflies and Abby (1999) by Jane DeDecker
Fishing Industry Memorial (1999) by Henry Alvarez and others
Five Elements (2003) by Efrain Olivares
Flight (1978) by Aldo Casanova
Flight to Infinity (1991) by Judith Shea
Floating Dog and Flying Cat (2016) by Mark Lere
Flora and Fauna (2017) by Marlo Bartels
Flow (2005) by May Sun
Flowers and Flames (2008) by Christopher Lee
Flying M (1995) by Paul Wheeler
Flying Morrison (2013) by Jim Coke
Folded Square - Alphabet G (1980; 2018) by Fletcher Benton
Fontana Citrus (c. 2005) by ThemeScape Art Studios
Fontana Heritage (2005) by John Thongnoi, Enrique Vidal
Fontana Steel (c. 1985)
Fontana Veterans Memorial (c. 2020)
For The Conductor (2010) by John Neumann
For Your Intellectual Entertainment (1995) by Daniel Martinez
Forever Marilyn (2011, 2021) by Seward Johnson
Fork in the Road (2008) by Ken Marshall
Forward Motion (2004) by Gordon Huether
Fossil Fountain (1999) by MIchael Davis
Founders Monument (2013) by Eugene Daub
Founding of the Pueblo De Los Angeles (1932) by Dean Cornwell
Fountain of the Rain Forest (2000) by Sandy Scott
Fountainhead Rockscape (2003) by Tomas Lipps
Four Arches (1973) by Alexander Calder
Four Deities (dates/artists unknown)
Four Lines Oblique Gyratory - Square IV (1973) by George Rickey
Four-Square (Walk Through) (1966) by Barbara Hepworth
Freedom (2014) by Herb Alpert
Freedom (2009) by John Koehler
Friendship Knot (1972; 1981) by Shinkichi Tajiri
From a Different Perspective (2020) by Jane DeDecker
From Injustice to Redress (2006) by Eugene Daub and Louis Quaintance
From the Belgian Suite (1999) by Guy Dill
Frozen Music, Opus for Pasadena (2002) by Arthur Stern
Fugimahara (1983) by Roger Perry
Fusion Series #3 (1998) by Shannon Owen
Gandhi Statue (2012) by Jasu Shilpi
Mahatma Gandhi Memorial (2006) by Madan and Aruna Garge
Gateway Beacon (1989) by David Wilkins
Gateway Monument (2024) by Cliff Garten
Gateway to Los Angeles (2015) by Jenna Didier
Gateway to the San Gabriel Valley (2011) by Art Mortimer
Gear Head 1 (2010) by Kathleen Smith-Schooley
Gems (2017) by Marlo Bartels
Gems 2 (2017) by Marlo Bartels
Gene Autry Statue (2009) by DeL'Esprie
Geologica 42 (2003) by Michael C. McMillen
George Chaffey, Jr. (2018) by John Edward Svenson
Gestation III (1991) by Baile Oakes
ghandiG (2002) by Peter Shelton
Giant Binoculars (1991) by Claes Oldenburg, Coosje van Bruggen
Gift of the Valley (2017) by Tony Sheets
Gifts of a Lifetime (2003) by Harry Reese
Girl with Dog (1933) by Ruth Peabody
Glendora (2009) by Michael Hillman, Citrus College students
globe on pedestal (circa 2004)
Gold Line Bridge (2012) by Andrew Leicester
Good Friends - Nakayoshi (1984) by Eiichi Ishida
Gordon and Lily by Victor Salmones
Grace (2014) by Terry Thornsley
Grana (2022) by Nikkolas Smith and Odeith
Gray Whale and Calf (2019) by Wyland
Great Gathering Place (1992) by Jacqueline Dreager
Green Man With Red Birds (2006) by Julia Klemek
Greetings from Laguna (2007) by Sherry Bullard and Marsh Scott
Grizzly Bear (2017) by John Mahoney
Growing Home (2018) by Joe O'Connell
Grove (2007) by Lynn Basa
Guardian of Water (1939) by Donal Hord
Hail and Farewell [or untitled] (1995) by Richard Turner
Hammering Man (1988) by Jonathan Borofsky
Hand Holding a Bowl of Rice (2007) by April Greiman
Hands With Plane (2015) by Case Maclaim
Handstand (1986) by Milton Hebald
Handstand (2012) by Daniel Stern
Hard To Reach (2003) by Debbie Jane Elmer
Harlequinade (2005) by Wayne Healy
Harmic Arch (1989) by Guy Dill
Harmony (2012) by David Roy
Hawk Raising (2017) by John Mahoney
Health is Multi-Cultural (1997) by JoeSam
Heat Exchanger (1980) by Harold L. Pastorius
Helix (2005) by James Hill
Helms Coach Gone A Rye (2002) by Art Mortimer and Andrea Cohen Gehring
Heritage Springs Sculpture Garden (1999)
Hermosa Beach 9/11 Memorial Sculpture (2012)
Hermosa Beach City (2018) by Clinton Bopp
Hermosa Swimwear Evolves (2014) by Steve Shriver
Hermosa's Great Wave (2015) by John Van Hamersveld
Heroes (2018) by Keith Blum
Hide-n-Seek (1995) by JoeSam
High Flying (2009) by Jon Seeman
Highland Park Gateway (2003) by Teddy Sandoval, with Paul Polubinskas
Joe Hill - I.W.W. Monument (2017) by Eugene Daub
Historic Flowers of Carlsbad (2006) by Kim Emerson
Historical Claremont (1990) by Merrilyn O'Neill
History of Electricity In and Around Indio (2000) by Jim Fahnestock
History of the Date Industry (1998) by Chuck Caplinger
History of the Pico Neighborhood (1983) by Ann Elizabeth Thiermann
History of Water in the Coachella Valley (2003) by Don Gray
Hollywood and La Brea Gateway (1993) by Catherine Hardwicke
Hollywood Jazz 1945-1972 (1991, 2011) by Richard Wyatt, Jr.
Homage to a Starry Knight (1990) by Rip Cronk
Homage to Cabrillo: Venetian Quadrant (1985) by Eugene Sturman
Homage to Ballona Creek (1994) by Lucy Blake-Elahi
Homage to Quetzalcoatl (1992) by Dora De Larios
Home (1992) by Charles Arnoldi
Homeward Monarch (2020) by Joe Norman
Hope, Dream (1993) by Sandra Rowe
Horizon (2010) by Blake Rankin
Horse and Tree (c. 1962) by Millard Sheets
Huberth Tree (2001) by Gülhis Celâyir-Monezis
Hula Kahiko (2000) by Lark Grey Dimond-Cates
Hunter and Hounds (1925) by Henri Alfred Marie Jacquermat
Hymn of Life: Tulips (2007) by Yayoi Kusama
Idaho Gate (1912)
I Dreamed I Could Fly (1993) by Jonathan Borofsky
I Have a Dream (1999) by Lisa Reinertson
Iglecia de Pensamiento (1978) by Dan Clapp and others
Illuminated Fig Leaves (2002) by Kim Abeles
Illumination (2007) by Brad Goldberg
Illuminations (1993) by Ann Preston
Illuminations (2006) by Terry Braunstein
IMAG_NE (2019) by Emma Ann
Image Emergence: Promenade of Clouds (2011) by Craig Cree Stone
Imaginations (2023) by Joseph Giri
Imbue (2020) by Alison Saar
In Central Park (1999) by Jerry Rothman
In the Eye of the Beholder (2001) by Anne Marie Karlsen
In The Living Rock (2004) by Samm Kunce
In The Meadow (2014) by Phung Huynh
Indeterminate Line (1987) by Bernar Venet
Indians and Yuccas (1968) by Millard Sheets
Inertia (2019) by Miguel A. Del Real
Infinite Dance (2020) by Carol Gold
Infinity (2014) by Cliff Garten
Innate (1985) by Bill Bedford
Inner Dance (2002) by Mark Leichliter
Inspired by John Raimondi's "Ceres" (c. 2013)
Inspired by John Raimondi's "Dian" (c. 2013)
Intercept (2005) by James T. Russell
Interface (1984) by Bill Bedford
Interface (c. 1984) by Bill Bedford
Interlude (1993) by Peter Busby
Intersect (2013) by Matt Devine
Interiorum Pulchritudinem (2018) by John Gilbert Luebtow
Intermittent Constancy (2015) by Paul Chilkov
IO (2015) by Carol Bove
Iron Root (2015; 2021) by Ai Weiwei
Isabelle (2018) by Julian Voss Andreae
It Takes All Kinds (2006) by IMO
It's Your Fault (2001) by Leah Vasquez
Jacob's Ladder (1985-1986) by Jasper D'Ambrosi
Jean De Fiennes, Vetu (1884-95) by Auguste Rodin
Jeanne d'Arc (1895, 1964) by Adolphe Roberton
Jessica (1987) by Dee Toscano
Jet Delivery Airplane (circa 2008) by Dan Romero
Jonah and the Whale (1918; inst'd. 1985) by Carl Milles
Jose Gaspar De Portola (circa 1929) by Albert Herter
Joy of Music (1996) by George Lundeen
Juan Bautista De Anza (circa 1929) by Albert Herter
Jungle Red (2007) by Delos Van Earl
Duke Paoa Kahanamoku (1990) by Jan Gordon Fisher
Kaikoo IV and XVI (1987) by Betty Gold
Kaleidoscope (2020) by Kim West/SPM Design
Kaloseidos (2003) by Ralph Bacerra
Keep It Clean For The Next (2011) by Sandra Jones Campbell
Keep It Clean, Malibu (2014) by Lindsay Carron
Keeping Watch (2012) by Steve Farley
John F. Kennedy Memorial (1964) by Michele Paszyn
Kinetic Energy (2003) by Ries Niemi
Kioku (2003) by Jun Kaneko
Kneeling Man With Hammer (1992) by Viola Frey
Korean Friendship Bell (1976)
Kosmic Krylon Garage (2004) by Kenny Scharf
Prince Jonah Kuhio Kalaniana 'ole (2001) by Sean Browne
L'Entreinte (1980) by Jean Wolff
L.A. Family Baroque (1992) by Bill Barrett
L.A. Freeway Kids (1984) by Glenna Boltuch Avila
L.A. Sonata (2013) by Judithe Hernandez
La Ballona (1995) by May Sun
La Brea (2011) by Shepard Fairey
La Caresse d'un Oiseau (1967) by Joan Miró
La Gente del Pueblo (2003) by Roberto L. Delgado
La Magia de Colleta (2023) by Marisabel Bazan
LA Metro Loteria (2012) by Jose Lozano
LA: City of Angels (1993) by Cynthia Carlson
Lady America (2008)
Lady Liberty (1973) by David Wilkens
Lady of the Lake (1934-35) by Ada May Sharpless
Laguna Coast (1987) by Wyland
Laguna Coastline (2004) by Mia Tavonatti
Laguna Tortoise (2003) by Michele Taylor
Landings (2009) by Nobuho Nagasawa
Lanterns (1999) by Michael Davis
Eiler Larsen (The Laguna Greeter) (1986) by Guy Angelo Wilson
Last Call (2014) by Allison Renshaw
LAX Gateway Pylons (2000) by Paul Tsanetopoulos
Leaping Lynx (2017) by John Mahoney
Bruce Lee Statue (2013)
Legacy of Literature (2001) by Rosalind Cook
Levitated Mass (2012) by Michael Heizer
Library Wall (1967) by Sergio O'Cadiz Moctezuma
Library Steps (1989) by Lawrence Halprin
Life Force (2005) by Dora De Larios
Life in the Desert (2013) by S.C.R.A.P.
Life in the Foothills (2014) by Miriam Balcazar
Life is Beautiful (2019) by Mr. Brainwash
Lifeguards in Hermosa (2017) by Joanna Garel
Light at the End of the Tunnel (2022) by Tory DiPietro
Light Gate (2015) by Mags Harries and Lajos Héder
Light of Learning (1926) by Lee Lawrie
Light Overhead (2001) by Sheila Klein
Light Trap (2005) by Laddie John Dill
Light Wave (2002) by Laddie John Dill
Lighthouse (circa 2012)
Lillith (2004) by Rosalind Cool
Lincoln (2005) by Mark Lundeen
Lincoln in Meditation (1962) by Henry van Wolf
Literary Figures (2011) by Art Mortimer and local students
Little People's Park mural (2023) by Damin Lujan
Little Treasures (2012) by Scott and Naomi Schoenherr
Local Color (2016) by Constance Mallinson
Local Gradient (2014) by Phillip K. Smith, III
Local Odysseys (1994) by Terry Braunstein
Location [untitled] (1995) by Rene Petropoulos
Locus: City Imprints (1995) by Steve Appleton
Long Beach Embrace (2023) by Myisha Arellano
Los Angeles Holocaust Monument (1992) by Joseph L. Young
Los Angeles Opens Its Heart of Compassion (2014) by Cliff Garten
Los Angeles Teachers (c. 1997) by Juan Hector Ponce
Los Molinos or Los Molinos Business District (2011) by Andi G
Love Anatomy (2021) by Alexandra Nechita
Love Letters (2020) by Maru Palmersheim
Lucy and Desi (2000) by Francois Bardol
Luminaire (2002) by Denny Haskew
Luminaries of Pantheism (2015) by Levi Ponce
Lewis MacAdams Monument (2017) by Eugene Daub
MacArthur Park, Urban Oasis (2010) by Sonia Romero
Madison Mansion (2002)by LInda Pollack,Claudia Reisenberger,Christina Ulke
Madonna of the Trail (circa 1929) by August Leimbach
Magic Carpet Ride or The Cardiff Kook (2007) by Matthew Antichevich
Making Lemonade (2006) by Nancy Mooslin
Makua and Kila (2001) by Holly Young
Malevich's Pick-Up Sticks (2006) by Peter Shire
Malibu Sweet 16 (2007)
Mama Watts (circa 1965) by Bill Watts
Mandril de Rosa (c. 2000) by Marsh Scott
Maravilla Hearts of Token (2009) by Jose Lopez
Mariposa De Barrio (2015) by Sergio Ramirez
Marmalade Dragonflies (2009) by Benbow Bullock
Matriculated Nature (2007) by Tom Otterness
Bill and Bob Meistrell Memorial (2014) by Chris Barela
Memorial Benches (2023) by Marlo Bartels
Memorial Flagpole (1927) by Lee Lawrie and Bertram Goodhue
Memorial Fountain (1962) by James Fickes
Memorial Park Mural (2011) by Roberto Del Hoyo
Memories of the Past, ... (1978) by Emigdio Vasquez
Mer-man (circa 1962) by Betty Davenport Ford
Messenger of the Puul (1991) by Curt Mattson
Metlox Dog (2004) by Tolkin and Associates
Mia Chan IV (2007) by Michael Todd
Mi Casa Es Su Casa (1971/2013) by Millard Sheets
Mikoshi (2007) by Jeffery Laudenslager
Frank Augustus Miller Statue (1999) by Richard Myer
Mind, Body and Spirit (1986) by Gidon Graetz
Mine (Corona Del Mar clock tower) (2005) by Andrew Michael Phillips
Miner (1925) by Henry Lion
Mirage (2008) by Ted Shaal
Mission to Masterpiece (2009) by Betsy Schulz
Mobius Bench II (2003) by Vito Acconci
Modern Screen (2007) by Erika Rothenberg
Modified Box (1985) by Harold Pastorius
Mojo (2008) by Christian Moeller
Molecule Man (1981) by Jonathan Borofsky
Molecule Man (1983) by Jonathan Borofsky
Monument to Balzac (1897) by Auguste Rodin
Monument to Sharing (2017) by Fallen Fruit
Moon Bench (2016) by Andrea Benitez
Moorpark Orchard (2024) by Eric Powell
Morning Mist (2014) by Wendy Jann
Morning Shot (1991) by Rip Cronk
Mosaics & Fountains (circa 2002)
Mother and Child (1984) by Harold L. Pastorius
Mother and Child (2001) by Lisa Reinertson
Mother Earth and Father Sky (1996) by Alber de Matteis
Mountain Scene (2008) by Dan Van Clapp and Perales
Moving Pictures (2001) by Wick Alexander and Robin Brailsford
Moving Towards The Future (2012) by David Ocelotl Garcia
Multi-Verse (2008) by Kipp Kobayashi
Multiplicity/Various Ways of Seeing (1992) by Anne Marie Karlsen
Murano (2009) by Peter Shire
Muse Dancers by Bruce Thomas
Music (1993) by Leonardo Nierman
Music of the Spheres (1994) by Nancy Mooslin
My Heart is in Your Hands (2020) by Jane DeDecker
National Humane Alliance Fountain (1905)
Native (2016) by Brian McCutcheon
Nature Redone (2018) by Eric Garcia
Naughtical But Nice (2003) by Peter Shire
Navis (1990) by Michael Davis
Neighborhood Portrait: Reconstructed (2012) by Jessica Polzin McCoy
Neighborhood Treasure: Allen Allensworth (2018) by Ron Husband
Neighborhood Treasure: Almera Romney (2022) by Donna Hargett
Neighborhood Treasure: Bettie Mae Scott (2018) by Gary Lett
Neighborhood Treasure: Kate Wright (2018) by Dawn M. Mendelson
Neighborhood Treasure: Leroy "Buster" Criss by Donna Hargett
Neons for Pershing Square (1993) by Stephan Antonakos
New Home (2015) by Sam Falls
Florence Nightingale (1937) by David P. Edstrom
Night Sail (1985) by Louise Nevelson
Night Shift (1981) by Jim Huntington
Night Watch (2017) by John Mahoney
Ninomiya Kinjiro Sontoku Statue (1983) by Jurichiro Hannyo
NoHo Gateway (2009) by Peter Shire
North, East, South, West (1981) by Michael Heizer
North Wave and South Wave (2003) by Larry Gill
Nothing Exists (2015) by Cyrcle
Nuestra Reina de Los Angeles (1934-35) by Ada May Sharpless
Oasis (1999) by Michael Amescua
Oasis (2015) by Douglas Hollis and Anna Valentina Murch
Oblique (2001) by Albert Paley
Occurrence (2003) by Michael Davis
Ocean (2018) by Rachel Rodi
Ocean Dancer (1998) by Lyle London
Ocean Song (2004) by Alber De Matteis
Ocean Steps (2011) by Debbie Collette and Patti Linnett
Oceanlife, Sun and Waves (2002) by Kim Emerson
Oceans of Time (1994; 2001) by Eric Orr
Oculus Sol (2012) by Buster Simpson
Of Two Lineages (2017) by James Dinh
Oil Drill (1983) by John Jagger
Oil, Life, Ecology (1990) by Eva Cockcroft
Oil - The Evolution (2017) by Marlo Bartels
Oiseau (1981) by Joan Miró
Old Meets New (2020) by Heath Satow
Old San Juan (2021) by Randy Morgan
Olympiade '84 (1986) by Milton Hebald
On a Roll (2020) by Jack Hill
On Saturdays (2012) by Robbert Flick
ONE LOVE (2020) by Scott Froschauer
One More Time (2019) by Giuseppe Palombo
One Sphere Five Arcs (2005) by William Wareham
One Voice (2009) by Phillip K. Smith, III
Oneness (1966) by Eino Romppanen
Ontario Town Square Mural (2014) by Andrea Benitez
Oomo Cube (2014) by Nicole Maloney
Open Door Policy (2020) by Andi Goud
Opus Notem Galateæ Unum (1991) by Judith Shea
Orange, California (date unk.) by Loriann Hiroshi and others
Orange County Peace Officers Memorial (2013) by E. Daub, T. Van Sant
Orange Grove (1999) by Meg Cranston
Orange in Motion (2009) by Marsh Scott
Origins (2017) by Debra Scacco
Orit Haj (2013) by Jenna Didier and Oliver Hess
Orr sculpture (1991) by Eric Orr
General Harrison Gray Otis (1920) by Paul Troubetzkoy
Our Best (1998) by Francois Bardol
Our Lady of DTLA (2013) by Robert Vargas
Our Legacy: Forever Presente... (2004) by José Antonio Aguirre
Our Mighty Contribution (2001-2002) by RTN Crew
Outburst (2021) by Lynn Basa
Out of Sight (2006) by Franka Diehnelt and Claudia Reisenberger
Overcoat (2009) by Merge Conceptual Design
Pablo at the Beach (2013; installed 2015) by Guy Dill
Pacific Spirit (2002) by James T. Hubbell
Paleontological 1 (2017) by Marlo Bartels
Paleontological 2 (2017) by Marlo Bartels
Panoramas (2016) by Abel Alejandre
Panoramic (1995) by Barbara McCarren
Parallel Dance (2003) by Cheryl Ekstrom
Parallel History I (2005) by Charles Fine
Paralllel Perpendicular (2022) by Phillip K. Smith III
Paramount Heart (2024) by Halliburton, others
Parrots in Flight (2023) by Mike Tauber
Pasadena Egrets (circa 1974) by David Wynne
Pasadena Panorama (2001) by Margaret Nielsen
Pasadena Robinson Memorial (1997)
Passersby (2005) by MERGE
Pat Nixon Statue (1997) by Ivan Schwartz
Pathways to Freedom (2002) by Michael Massenburg and Robin Strayhorn
Paul Revere Statue (2002) by Dee Clements
Peace and Love (2019) by Ringo Starr
Peace Flora (2003) by Trace tres Fukuhara
Peace Memorial (1991) by Márton Váró
Peace Monument of Glendale (2013)
Peace on Earth (1969) by Jacques Lipchitz
Pearl of the Pacific (1998) by James T. Hubbel, et al.
Pelican Brown (2005) by T. J. Dixon and James Nelson
Perfect Union (2011) by Jeff Laing
Perpetual Motion (c. 1996) by Bruce Stillman
Photo Collages (2005) by Anna O'Cain and Richard Keeley
Pieces Together (2014) by Lawrence Argent
Pier Ave. 1924 or Beautiful Hermosa Beach (2011) by Art Mortimer
Pierre De Wissant, Nude (1884-95) by Auguste Rodin
Pierre De Wissant, Vetu (1884-95) by Auguste Rodin
Pillars of Palm Springs (2024) by multiple artists
Pioneer Road Park Mural (2022) by Tom Clark
Pioneers Monument 1934
Pioneers of Monrovia (2019) by Maryrose Mendoza
Pioneros de la Rivera de San Gabriel (2016) by Robin Brailsford
Pirate's Cove (2015) by Art Mortimer
Pivot (1998) by Paul Tsanetopoulos
Playground (2003) by Tony Smith
Pleasures Along the Beach (1970, 2024) by Millard Sheets
Pomona (1957) by Jean and Arthur Ames
Pond Life (1999) by JoeSam.
Port Police (2013) by Eugene Daub
Portals (1999) by Marsh Scott
Portrait Heads (2012) by Michael Stutz
Portrait of Abbot Kinney (2004) by Rip Cronk
Portrait Of My People #619 (1995) by Willie Middlebrook
Portraits (officially untitled) (2003) by Tony Gleaton
Postcards From Ballona (1997) by F. Bardol, L. Blake-Elahi, L. Escalera
Pre-Natal Memories (1976-1980) by Mark di Suvero
Pride of La Verne (2003) by Kevin Stewart-Magee
Pride of the Foothills (2012) by Michael Hillman, Citrus College students
Primordial Reflections (1996) by Albert Paley
Production of Oil (2017) by Marlo Bartels
Prometheus Bringing Fire to Earth (1935) by Nina Saemundsson
Prosperity (2008) by Dave Chapple
Proud Puma (2017) by John Mahoney
Psychic Body Grotto (2017) by Anna Sew Hoy
Psychogeographies (2015) by Dustin Yellin
Pua'I wai (1994) by Billy Al Bengston
Puck (c. 2003) by Elizabeth MacQueen
Puff of Wind (2016) by Asher Kelman
Puka o ka moku (1994) by Billy Al Bengston
Punk and Skate in Hermosa (2018) by Daniel Inez
Pyramid (1996) by John Outterbridge
Quetzalcoatl (1968)
Quotation Courtyard (1995) by Barbara McCarren
Raccoon Family (2004) by Betty Davenport Ford
Rainbow Neon Dog (2024) by Wilson Ong
Rainmaker (2001) by David Curt Morris
Raising the Flag at Monterey (circa 1928) by Albert Herter
Ram (1977) by Charles O. Perry
Raptor Intaglio (2008) by Gwynn Murrill
Raymond Starburst (2003) by Marlo Bartels
Reach For The Sun (2000) by Gary Soszynski
Read, Reach and Realize (2002) by Wayne Healy, East Los Streetscapers
real green (1995) by Kim Yasuda
Rebirth (2013) by Nicole L. Ponsler
Rebuilding of the Palomares Adobe (1941) by Frank Stauffacher
Reclining Figure (1981; inst'd. 1984) by Henry Moore
Reclining Figure II (1967; installed 2016) by Edoardo Villa
Recreations of Long Beach (1936) by Stanton Macdonald-Wright
Red Car Man (2014) by Daniel Stern
Red Car Woman (2014) by Daniel Stern
Red Dragon (2024) by Delos Van Earl
Red Echo (2010) by Konstantin Demopoulos
Redily Apparent (2016) by Bret Price
Red Roses (2016)
Redlands Bank Murals (2001-05) by Larry Dierdorff
Redlands Heritage (1980) by Millard Sheets
Redondo Beach Sweethearts (2015) by Amos Robinson
Redux (2014) by Jim Mitchell
Re-Imagine Garden Grove (2014) by Todd Marinovich
RELAX UR OK (2020) by Scott Froschauer
Relief Ship at San Diego (circa 1928) by Albert Herter
Reminiscence (2016) by Remed
Rendezvous (2008) by Tuan
Resting Raccoon (2017) by John Mahoney
Rev. King, Jr. and Dr. Drew (1998) by Tina Allen
Reverence for an Era (2005-2006) by Kerry Zarders
Rider's Dream (2003) by Michael Amescua
Right Above The Right-of-Way (2016) by Susan Lorgoreci
Rio (1990) by Michael Weinstein
Ripple Effect (2022) by Timothy Robert Smith
Rising Cranes #24 (2022) by Keven Box
River (2001) by Guy Angelo Wilson
River Gate (circa 2017) by Michael Amescua
River of History (1996) by May Sun
River of Life (2000) by Robin Brailsford
River of Time (2016) by Cha-Rie Tang
Rivers of the World (1997)
Jose P. Rizal Monument (2012) by Abdulmari Imao
Rock Pile Carve (2000) by George Stone
Rockin' Angel (2009) by Peter Shire
Rocky and Bullwinkle (1961) by Bill Oberlin
Msgr. Oscar A. Romero (2013) by Joaquin Serrano
Ronald Reagan (2011) by Miriam Baker
Rondelle (2005) by Lyle London
Rose Abstraction III (2006) by Alber De Matteis
Rotunda Ceiling (1926) by Julian Garnsey
Route 66 America's Main Street (2012) [artist unlisted]
Route 66 (2013) by Phil Yeh
Route 66 (2014) by Brian Worley
Running for the Blue Line (1997) by Elliott Pinkney
Sage Owl (2017) by John Mahoney
Saint John the Baptist (1878-80) by Auguste Rodin
Salmon Run (1982) by Christopher Keene
San Angelo Landscape (2015) by Mara Lonner
San Clemente Morn (2001) by Mary Angela McMenamin and community members
Santa Monica (1934) by Eugene H. Monrahan
Santa Monica Tears (2021) by Walter J. Hood
Santiago Park Mural (2011) by Roberto Del Hoyo
Scanga sculpture (2006) by Italo Scanga
Scenes From Ivanhoe (1926) by Julian Garnsey and A. W. Parsons
Scenes of the Old West (c. 1979) by Denis O'Connor, Susan Lautmann Hertel
Arnold Schwarzenegger (2013) by Jonas Never
Science, Arts, Places, Past (1999) by Antje Hammer
Sea Breeze (2015) by Sukhdev Dail
Sea Passage (2005) by James Hubbell
Seagrass (2011) by Barbara Grygutis
Searching Squirrels (2017) by John Mahoney
Second Line (2021) by Jamex and Einar de la Torre
Seed to Tree (2017) by Marlo Bartels
Seeds of Summer (2011) by Guy Angelo Wilson
Self-Preservation Revised by Ed Pogue
Semper Memento (2011) by Jorg Dubin
Sentry (1999) by John Okulick
Separated United Forms (2009) by David Schafer
Sequi (1985) by Nancy Graves
Serenade (2001) by Dee Clements
Serenity (2024) by Anne Faith Nicholls
Seth Thomas Clock (1966) by Seth Thomas Clock Company
Setting the Tables (2014) by Jeanine Centuori, Russell Rock
Shard Towers (2002) by Stanton Hunter
Short Stack (2005) by Bruce Chaban
Shoshone (1982) by Mark di Suvero
Sierra Leone (1983) by Woods Davy
Sign of the Time (1999) by Jack Sullivan
Simple Gifts (2001) by John Fisher
Singing Beach Chairs (1987) by Douglas Hollis
Siren Call of Filmland (2003) by Paul Hobson
Sister Cities Clock (2019) by Dan Romero and Dina Romero
Sisyphus (1985) by Alexander Liberman
Sitting Figure on a Short Bench (2000) by Magdalena Abakanowicz
sixbeastsandtwomonkeys (2009) by Peter Shelton
Skateboarder (1999) by Studio 2
Skate Waves (2024) by Andy Jenkins
Skyspace: Dividing the Light (2007) by James Turrell
Sliver (2010) by Christian Moeller
Solar Alignment (1992) by Ernest Shelton
Solar Shift (2006) by Roy Nicholson
Something Grows Every Season (2007) by Don Wakefield
Soulful Sunrise Melody (2016-2017) by Luis Sanchez
Sound and Sight (2002) by Raymond Persinger
Source Figure (1992) by Robert Graham
South Central Suite (1995) by East Los Streetscapers
Sower's Dream (2011) by Guy Angelo Wilson
Space Shuttle Challenger Memorial (1990) by Isao Hirai
Spanish American War Memorial, Seventh Regiment Monument (1900)
Spatio Virtuo Teatro (2006) by Jason Meadows
Spine (1993) by Jud Fine
Spiral of Life (1985) by Baile Oakes
Spire of Doves/Arbol de la Paz (2011)
Spires (2006) by Sylvia Tidwell