Serenity (2001)

Anne Faith Nicholls

 DESCRIPTION:  7.5-foot high by 5-foot wide by 5-foot deep, 1-ton, 5-panel painted steel sculpture 

Nicholls' three-dimensional, 360-degree sculpture represents the theme of serenity with water images that appear to be in movement to passing traffic and pedestrians.  The sculpture will also shift color with  p.m. lighting.
Artists's Statement:  "Serenity ... celebrates our region’s history of being an oasis in the desert, honoring the waters that brought our first desert inhabitants, while reminding us to conserve and respect our precious natural resources. "  - Anne Faith Nicholls
The Pillars of Palm Springs installation follows a 3/4-mile stretch of Tahquitz Canyon Way from Palm Springs City Hall to Sunrise Way, and is the largest and most comprehensive public art project initiated by the Palm Springs Public Art Commission.  It was dedicated on World Art Day, April 15, 2024.   For information on the entire installation of six sculptures, see  Pillars of Palm Springs.
LOCATION:   center median of E. Tahquitz Canyon Way, approx. 100 feet east of Saturmino Drive, Palm Springs, California, USA